Voice: And now, a magical turkey.
A turkey runs onto the screen, and explodes.
Voice: "Insert name of show here!"
Title credits roll. All of the names have "Mc" in the middle, for instance, written by Daniel McBadger.
Voice: And now, a random image.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v108/ ... random.png[/IMG]
Cut to a side-alley between two buildings. Shady figure with long overcoat is standing by an old, rotting table. Mr Arnold walks up to him.
Mr Arnold: *Whistles innocently*
Man: Say... you wanna buy a watch?
Mr Arnold: *Whistles again*
Man: Yes or no!?
Voice: Ok, lose the cliché already! Man in a waistcoat, selling watches in a side street? And how many Mr Arnolds are there in the world! Too many I say.
Man: Say... you wanna buy a bagel?
Mr Harrison: Goes to speak, but is cut short.
Voice: That's more like it!
Mr Harrison: Meh.
Man: What, you messin'? What's it to you anyway! Can't a man stand in a dark alley selling stolen wat- bagels, peacefully without people like you wandering around?
Mr Harrison: No.
Man: That's it, you asked for it.
The random man pulls out a bagel and throws it towards Mr Harrison. Harrison ducks, the Bagel hits a wall and explodes.
Mr Harrison: That was aimed at me! Right, that does it.
Harrison also takes out a bagel, his is coated in what looks like white icing.
Man: No... it can't be...
Mr Harrison: It is.
Man: What, really?
Mr Harrison: Indeed.
Man: The-
Mr Harrison: Yes.
Voice: Look, this obviously isn't going anywhere.
Harrison pulls out what seems to be a large bazooka, throws the bagel into the end, and fires at Man. Just before the rocket-propelled bagel hits "man", the screen cuts to a man wearing a suit, with "Director" badge on the desk before him.
Director: Listen up, I am the director.
He is the director.
Director: From now on, there shall be none of this needless violence in this sketch show. It is completely unnecessary. Bagel warfare? Think of the poor bagels for goodness' sake!
Cut to a field. The field is full of rabbits.
Voice: The director has said from now on, there must be no violence in this show. So, here is a field of rabbits.
Rabbits run around for about 30 seconds. Sound of a bazooka being fired. Whole field explodes after being hit by rocket.
Voice: As you can see, we clearly did not listen to the director. And now, a magical turkey. Part two.
Turkey, as before, runs onto the screen. A giant apple falls from the sky and squashes the turkey.
Voice: That's all for now.
Credits start to roll
Director: Hey!
Credits pause
Director: From hereon, no more credits!
Credits stay still for about five seconds, then slowly start to roll again.
Director: I said, no credits!
Credits roll extremely fast. Cit to director at his desk.
Director: That's it. Fetch me my bagel!
Giant bagel falls from the sky, crushing the director.