Site Update Digest
Nobody reads announcements any more. Therefore this is a summary of all the announcements here.
New Theme
There is a new theme called Eat Greens Erryday.
Changes to Post Count
The forum post count now includes hbchan posts, pastebin, and resources.
Resource Manager
You can now report posts to moderators using a simple API.
You can now quickly post feedback, even anonymously, to the whole staff team, from a box at the top of the feedback forum.
Ad Free
We are now completely ad free. Please consider sponsoring.
Twitter Thread
You can now post to the twitter thread from a box in the top right.
Inline Spoilers
A new bbcode. (ispoiler)text(/ispoiler)
Resource Manager
Files now have pages, with comment sections!
Modding Section
There is a section with information about modding commercial games.
New Affiliate
We are now affiliated with chaos project.
Pastebin Integration
You can post directly to the pastebin from the posting page, and easily include these in your post using (pastebin)###(/pastebin).
Is fine.
There are now buttons to share threads amongst popular website sharing sites such as Digg.
We now have a privately hosted pastebin application.
Variable forum width
You can now resize the forums into big, medium, or small.
Nobody reads announcements any more. Therefore this is a summary of all the announcements here.
New Theme
There is a new theme called Eat Greens Erryday.
Changes to Post Count
The forum post count now includes hbchan posts, pastebin, and resources.
Resource Manager
You can now report posts to moderators using a simple API.
You can now quickly post feedback, even anonymously, to the whole staff team, from a box at the top of the feedback forum.
Ad Free
We are now completely ad free. Please consider sponsoring.
Twitter Thread
You can now post to the twitter thread from a box in the top right.
Inline Spoilers
A new bbcode. (ispoiler)text(/ispoiler)
Resource Manager
Files now have pages, with comment sections!
Modding Section
There is a section with information about modding commercial games.
New Affiliate
We are now affiliated with chaos project.
Pastebin Integration
You can post directly to the pastebin from the posting page, and easily include these in your post using (pastebin)###(/pastebin).
Is fine.
There are now buttons to share threads amongst popular website sharing sites such as Digg.
We now have a privately hosted pastebin application.
Variable forum width
You can now resize the forums into big, medium, or small.