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Simple Standard battle system edit

I have been working on a simple edit of the battle system, but i need some help. first off, I would like a useless box, same color as the attack and escape box, but behind it and constantly there. (Look at first screen to see what i mean.) that should be an easy fix, but i cant figure it out. secondly i would like the options (attack, item, spell, quard,) all to be in a row horizontaly and not going down. (Look at second screen to see what i mean. also probably an easy fix) plus make it so it doesnt center itself over the battler, but centers itself in relativity to the screen. (look at third screen to see what i mean.) and last thing, when you open up the box to select a skill or item, i need it to come all the way donw to the player status boxes (with name hp and sp. look at screen 4 to see what i mean.) other than that i think i have it figure out, please help.

Here are the 4 screens

Battle starts:

First person attacks:

Second person attacks (would be same but further over for 3rd and 4th person): http://img378.imageshack.us/img378/3815/3ny6.png

Selection boxes.

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