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Simple script, I think...

Okiddly dokiddly...

I am using Netplay+ to make an MMORPG... To add a bit more variety and stuff I want to make it so that if you right-click on an event it will say in a message box info about that event.

N+ uses a mouse script, I believe it is Cybersams with Astro-Mech's edit.

I wondered if it would be possible by adding a simple call script at the start of every event I want right clickable, for instance:

[Event: Chair01]
@> Script:
>If mouse right_click
>Message: "Good for sitting on."
@> Event stuff


[Event: Shop_Door]
@> Script:
>If mouse right_click
>Message: Walk through this door to enter the shop.
@> Teleport, etc

I know that's not the right syntax or even anything like what it would be, just shown as an example.

I also don't think this would er... work...
Unless, actually it could be done somehow with comments I suppose.

Anyway, if anyone knows then er... post here.

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