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Simple script... I think

Could someone make a script that when damage is dealt, it shows in the middle of the screen, shrinks and moves up, the HP of the target appears and then both the HP and Damage dealt depletes 1 at a time (E.G. If the damage dealt is 100 and the HP of the enemy is 115, it will start by going down to 99 & 114, 98 & 113, 97 & 112, 96 & 111, 95 & 110, etc, etc, etc) until either Damage Dealt reaches 0.
If it reaches -1000 HP or less, it is a minor overkill, if it reaches -5000 or lower it is an overkill and, if by some miracle ( or a lot of 'upping' one characters stats) you get the HP to reach - 10000 or more, it s a CRITICAL overkill!

So could someone do this for me please, I'll give you a cookie :)

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