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Simple Picture Problem



I'm having troubles with the picture in my switch screen, they cutoff at a certain point and I was wondering how I could go about fixing it...

This is the screen, where the picture stops is obviously where it's cutoff:
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e139/ ... screen.png[/IMG]

And this is how big the picture should be:


Note: That's just a test picture.

This is the script:

# Window_SwitchReserve class definition
# A window that displays all characters available to pick in the party. Offers
# a cursor to select them.
# Read the instructions in Scene_Switch's header before using!
# Version 1.03, by exseiken.                                   August 8th, 2005

class Window_SwitchReserve < Window_Selectable
 # Window constructor. Create the contents bitmap and fill it with all
 # characters that are not into the party, but that are loaded in the data
 # member of the Game_Actors global object.
 # Parameters:
 #     max_size:           maximum of characters that can fit into that window
 def initialize(max_size)
   # initialize the window and its contents
   super(0, 120, 640, 360)
   # initialize the list for the first time
   @actor_list = $game_actors.data.clone
   # set the maximum amount of characters the list can contain
   @item_max = [4].max
   # remove currently active party members
   for actor in $game_party.actors
     @actor_list[actor.id] = nil
   # remove all actors that are unavailable
   for actor in @actor_list
     if not actor.nil? and actor.unavailable == true
       @actor_list[actor.id] = nil
   # remove all holes in the list
   # set 2 columns
   @column_max = 4
   # select the first item but put unactive initially
   self.index = 0
   self.active = false
   # create the contents bitmap
   bmp_height = ((@item_max & 0xFE) << 5) + ((@item_max & 0x01) << 6)
   self.contents = Bitmap.new(self.width - 32, bmp_height)
   # NOTE:
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # Now, this part is dependant on the translation of RPG Maker XP you're
   # using. What is used here will work on Postiality Knights' edition. If you
   # are using another version, set it accordingly. Note that some versions do
   # not need this. In that case, you may delete it.
   self.contents.font.name = $fontface
   self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   # draw the window's contents
   # draw the cursor rectangle
 # Completely redraw the contents of the window.
 def refresh
   # clear the contents of the bitmap
   # display all actors
   for i in 0...@actor_list.size
     # get the concerned actor
     actor = @actor_list[i]
     # if the actor is non-nil, draw it
     unless actor.nil?
       # get the coordinates
       x = (i / 1) * 150
       y = (i % 1) == 1 ? self.height / @column_max : 0
       # draw the actor's sprite
       draw_actor_basta(actor, x - 50, y + 261)

 # Update the position rectangle of the cursor.
 def update_cursor_rect
   # if the screen is not active or the cursor is invalid, don't display the
   # cursor
   if not self.active or self.index < 0
     # set an empty cursor and exit
   # get the row of the item
   row = self.index / @column_max
   # if the cursor went over the window, scroll up
   if row < self.top_row
     # set the top row as the current row
     self.top_row = row
    self.top_row = row if row < self.top_row
    if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
     self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
   # set the width of the cursor
   cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 32
   # get the upper-left coordinates of the window
   x = self.index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
   y = self.index / @column_max * 110 - self.oy
   # set the cursor rectangle
   self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, 120, 320)
 # Takes a character, put it into the list at the selection position, and
 # returns the character that was presently there. (If it was empty, it
 # returns nil instead.)
 # Parameters:
 #     actor_to_switch:    character to put at the selected position
 def swap_characters(actor_to_switch)
   # store the old actor (needed for swapping)
   old_actor = @actor_list[self.index]
   # put the new actor at the selected position
   @actor_list[self.index] = actor_to_switch
   # redraw the window
   # return the old actor
   return old_actor
 # Update the help window. (Here, the help window is really the actor status
 # window.)
 def update_help
   # draw the selected actor's name, level, status condition and stats
   @help_window.actor = @actor_list[self.index]
 # Return the index of the top row, that is, the first row that is displayed
 # on the window.
 def top_row
   # divide the coordinate of the top of the bitmap by the cursor's height,
   # 64, returning the index of the top row
   return self.oy / 64
 # Validate, and set the top row too a new value. The validation makes sure
 # that the new row is not off-limits.
 # Parameters
 #     row: index of the row to be set as the new top row
 def top_row=(row)
   # forces the new row to be positive
   if row < 0
     row = 0
   # forces the new row to be less or equal to the maximum
   if row > row_max - 1
     row = row_max - 1
   # return the top of the window by multiplying it by the height of the
   # cursor (64)
   self.oy = row * 64
 # Return the maximum amount of rows that can fit in the window without
 # scrolling.
 def page_row_max
   return (self.height - 32) / 64

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