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Simple minimap

I want a simple minimap script.

Basically all it does is this:

-Shows an image in the background called "mapid".png (i.e. 6.png) in the "\graphics\minimap" folder.
-Shows the character's position on the map with charaset "minimap_ch.png"
-Shows at 182,133
-Is 69px by 54px

The mnimap should represent the whole map, not just the area viewed.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v108/ ... inimap.png[/IMG]

Edit: Sorry I missed a bit out:

If $minimap == true:

If the minimap is not showing, it shows the minimap when Q is pressed.

If the minimap is showing and Q is pressed, it shows a larger er... "minimap", which is at 6,6 and is 244x180 pixels in size. This minimap should be the same but use image "mapid" + "big" + ".png" (for example, "6big.png"). When Q is pressed again this closes and no map is shown. Anfd then if Q is pressed again it shows the smaller minimap, and so on.

/\ Similar to FFVII if you have ever played it.

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