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Silent Hill

Ok, I tried making my game in RM2003 but I decided it would be a lot easier in RMXP. So I was wondering, is there any chance someone could make a script that has Stuff like in Silent Hill? All I would require was an ABS and a CMS styled after that game series.

The ABS would use 3 CharacterSets for each weapon, 1 charaset for each mode, 'Explore' which is Chara_<gun>, 'Ready' Chara_<gun>rdy and 'Firing' which is Chara_<gun>fire. Chara_<gun> is when you can walk or run, Chara_<gun>rdy is when you walk around holding down 'Shift', which allows you to press 'Z' to fire, which makes the character set become Chara_<gun>fire. While in 'Ready' you cannot examine objects, as it uses the 'Z' key for that as well.

The CMS would like like the Silent Hill 3 menu system below


Top left corner: Life, shows the area around your character and goes more 'Red' tinted as you get hurt more

Menus Would use Up and Down in this order (-> = Up <- = Down)

<- Maps -><- Memos -><- Options -><- Supplies -><- Weapons -><- Items ->

Maps: Brings up the map for the current area if it is picked up, left and right scrolls through all the maps obtained

Memos: Notes, Newspapers, that sort of stuff.

Options: http://www.mobygames.com/images/i/31/29/252479.jpeg[/IMG]

Supplies: Energy Drinks, 9MM ammo, etc, etc

Weapons: Do I have to tell you this?

Items: Other items, Stuff like keys, Poles, Coat Hangers. You can combine items to make new ones or to solve puzzles.

Yeah, I know it is a big request, but I really need it so I can make my game. Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please,(I could go for hours Copy + Pasting Please, but it would be annoying, so i won't :P) can someone do this for me?
Well contributing is hard when your skills are limited to gaming, gaming and more gaming. If I was able to be taught RGSS over MSN in a fairly short time I would be able to contribute more. Unfortunately I don't think I shall be able to be taught in less than A day >.<
ABS is really a huge request, so unless you script yourself, you won't get it. Nevertheless, try RE movement script, I believe it's here somewhere.

As per CMS, it's not really hard, but everyone may get busy for their own projects.

It never hurts to learn something new, including scripting. Although, you said it yourself, you can't learn it within a day. Think of it as playing a game: while increasing your skills, you unlock new features for your excitement. See, SephirothSpawn himself was NOT a programmer, but he wanted to learn and finally succeeded to create some masterpiece scripts.

I can teach you RGSS if you want (though I'm still learning to; we can both learn), or look at scripting tutorials. Not within a day of course :D

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