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Signius Chronicles - 2,312 words total

This is a series of short stories I've been working on every now and then.  It's completely random, and I'm making it up as I go along, but I think overall it's a decent story.  I'm still working on it, having no idea where I will finish, but this is what I have so far.  I'll update it when I complete a new section.  The dates correspond to when I originally released them.  The first 4 parts were completed and released before I made this thread and I haven't worked on it for a while, although that will most likely change.

"Why are you here?" a figure asked.  His voice was monotonous, as if he was completely bored.  Only his mouth could be seen beneath the hood on his black robes which seemed to suck in the light.  A man knelt before the figure, his right arm wrapped around his body, not just as an act of respect, but as a source of protection.

"Sire, the Klivas troops are approaching," the kneeling man said shakily, his head bent toward the ground.

"How did you aquire this information?"

"Our spies have managed to infiltrate the enemy's hheadquarters."  The man's military uniform shivered slightly from the cold that was flowing from the hooded figure.

"Look at me, Tom," the figure said.  Tom slowly and reluctantly raised his eyes to meet the darkness beneath the figure's hood.  "You are lying," the figure said simply.  "Why have you lied to me?"

"I'm sorry, Sire, I was just . . ." Tom's voice seemed to disappear, leaving only the sound of the brushing of the figure's robes against his legs as he approached Tom.

"I cannot risk a traitor," the figure said, descending the stairs to where Tom stood.  He placed the palm of his right hand on Tom's forehead.  Tom tried to struggle, to move, but he was frozen in place.  "If you relax, this will be so much easier."  The figure pushed on Tom's head.  Tom crumbled to the ground, unconscious.

"What shall we do with him?" a woman asked from beside the figure.  She wore a grey dress that swiped gently across her shoes and a cloak that hooded her hair.  Unlike the figure, however, her face could be plainly seen.  She showed no sign of surprise at the man's actions, but instead wore the bored look that most likely covered the face of the hooded man.

"Bring him to the hypnotizer," the hooded figure said, walking around Tom and out the door.

"As you wish, Master Signius," the woman said, bowing deeply before heading over to the unconscious soldier.  She raised a hand and Tom rose a few feet off the ground floating slowly behind the woman as she followed Signius out the door.

Signius walked slowly and gracefully down the stone hallway of his castle.  Soldiers and mages walked around him, making sure to bow slightly before continuing on their way.  Wooden doors led off at various points in the hallway and two staircases lined the wall before the entrance.  The guards that were stationed at the entrance bowed low before him on his way out.  The city was bustling, unaware of the danger that was coming.  Signius continued down the cobbled street and past the fountain in the middle of town and curving off to the right shortly after.  A large stone building loomed over this section of town - the barracks where soldiers were trained and housed.

"Ah, Master Signius," a soldier behind a desk said, getting up from his chair and bowing deeply.  "What brings you here?"

"I have been informed that Klivas is sending troops here."

"Yes, our outpost at Nisin has already spotted them and contacted us.  They say there are only about fifty troops."

"Either way, dispatch Troop B-M to Nisin to protect it.  Also, tell Troop A-M to prepare the crystal and Troop A-S to get ready for possible battle."

"No offense, your majesty, but doesn't that seem a little extreme?" the soldier said nervously.  "It's only fifty troops."

"I don't trust Klivas," Signius said simply.

"Understood," the soldier saluted.  "We will make all preparations as soon as possible."

"I will head to Nisin with Troop B-M, so have them wait at the gate when they're ready," Signius said, turning to exit the building.

"You're going, your majesty?!  It could be dangerous!"

"You need not worry about me, Kevin."  Signius exited the barracks and walked back to his throne room.  His mage stood next to his throne, waiting for his arrival.

"Sarah, fetch my cape," Signius said, sitting down on his throne.

"As you wish, master," Sarah said, bowing.  She sunk into the darkness and disappeared, reappearing a few moments later with a dark blue shoulder cape.  She placed it gently over Signius' right shoulder and pressed the crystal on top gently.  The crystal glowed and seemed to stiffen onto Signius' shoulder.  She took a step back, waiting for further instructions.

"We are heading to Nisin," Signius said, shifting slightly under the weight of the cape as he stood up.  He strode out of the door again with Sarah close behind.

Signius snapped his arm down, sending a wave of energy at a soldier, knocking him over.  A brown-robed mage pushed both his arms forward and the ground beneath a group of soldiers shifted, causing them to take time to rise again.  Arrows rained down from above them and swords shone brilliantly in the sun's light as the Nisin troops swung at their enemies.  Signius snapped his arm again and a wave of water crashed over the remaining soldiers. They had easily defeated the fifty soldiers, but Signius sensed that there was much more.

The soldiers walked back over to Signius and Sarah, victory in their eyes.  Sarah began checking the soldiers for injuries and wounds, healing anything she found.  There was very little for her to do, though, as only one of the soldiers had been gravely injured in the fighting.  The horizon yielded no evidence of further troops, but this attack was pointless unless used as a diversion.

"Sarah, back to Telia!" Signius ordered.  Sarah finished healing an injured soldier and ran to catch up with Signius.

"Sir, won't you stay a moment?" one of the soldiers called.

"Do not let your guard down!" Signius called back.

"Master Signius, what's the matter?" Sarah urged.

"That attack was a diversion," Signius said through grated teeth.  "They will not trick me so easily."

"Sire, our troops at Telia will be able to dispatch any threat."

"Valkin knows my actions too well," Signius said, regaining his bored tone.

"Master Signius, forgive me for asking this, but if that were true, would he not know of your current action as well?"  Signius stopped and Sarah almost collided with him.  She pulled down her hood and pulled her blond hair from the robes, letting it flow gently against her upper back.  The desert where Telia and Nisin were built still carried the extreme heat, but the magic of crystals had provided them with water.  The two cities, recently constructed, were hated for their reliance on magic.  Many saw it as envy, others as mistrust of magic.  Either way, Klivas had been sending troops since the beginning of the construction of Nisin, and their mages had still been unable to make the desert a more suitable environment.

"You may be right," Signius muttered, his hood turning to Sarah.  "I have a plan."

Signius walked back into the city of Telia, this time without his companion.  Soldiers had assembled outside the barracks with Kevin barking orders.  Some citizens, mainly children, had stopped to watch the soldiers prepare for battle.  Kevin saluted Signius as he walked by and the other soldiers turning their heads to watch as he passed.  Signius walked into the castle and up the stairs, then up another flight.  A door in between the two sets of stairs that led to the third floor was closed, sealed by a magic symbol.  Signius put his hand against the symbol and it glowed violently.  The door flew up into the ceiling, letting out the chant that was being performed by the Troop A mages.  A clear crystal rotated in the center of the room, surrounded by seven blue-robed mages.  Their palms were facing the crystal, and the entire room seemed to glow with magic energy.  The chant ended after a few seconds, the last words reverberating through the small, sealed room.

"Master Signius," one of the mages answered in a deep voice.  He bowed low and the others quickly followed suit.

"If the alarm sounds, use plan B-4," Signius muttered.

"As you wish, Sire," the mage said.  "We will keep the crystal charged until we receive further orders."

"Good," Signius said, leaving the room and letting the door slam shut behind him.  He proceeded back downstairs and watched the soldiers finish preparing, making sure they were prepared to fight the strong Klivas soldiers.

Meanwhile, at Nisin, a man that wore a scarlet shirt, black pants, and numerous buckles and belts strapped around his waist and slung over his shoulder was instructing the other soldiers.  His dark brown hair glistened in the intense sunlight and his bright blue eyes held years of experience.

"We will find your strengths and enhance them!" the man shouted to the soldiers that were lined up before him.

"Yes, sir!" they chanted in unison.

"As temporary primary commander for the Nisin army, I expect you to show me the respect you'd show Signius!"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Who here can use magic?!" the man shouted.  The Troop B mages behind him shifted uneasily, unsure whether or not to raise their hand or respond. Five soldiers in the line of troops raised their hands.  "You five, join the Troop B mages!"  The five who had raised their hands ran over to join the mages behind the commander, sheathing their swords awkwardly.

"Sir, I don't advise . . ." the previous commander began.

"I am giving the advice now!" the new commander shouted.

"Commander Nexus, it's just . . ."

"Silence, Baurus!"  The commander fell back in the line, his head lowered.  The other soldiers glanced at their commander before turning back to Nexus, obviously uncomfortable with the new leadership.  "Archers, bring your arrows to the smith. Make sure you can cut your hair with them!"  The group to the left bowed and rushed off, glad to be freed of Nexus' company.  "Swordsmen, you shall practice with Commander Baurus until further instructed!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" the soldiers barked, walking off with Baurus.  Nexus turned to his group of twelve mages.  The five soldiers' steel armor stood out among the brown-robed mages.

"You will be using restricted magic today, but Master Signius has given me permission to temporarily overwrite those laws."  The mages shifted slightly and the soldiers looked hopefully back at the group with Commander Baurus.

Signius stood on a balcony overlooking the small city of Telia.  The wind blew gently, preparing itself for the battle that would surely ensue.  The sun was beginning to set behind Nisin and the sky was vibrant in colors.  Signius felt something move behind him, but he took no action.  He had been expecting this for far too long.  He could hear robes shuffling in rythym with the gently breeze, getting closer with each gust.  A blade was heard being unsheathed and a knife stopped in front of Signius' neck.  The attacker gasped and struggled as Signius turned around carefully to avoid the halted blade.  The person holding the blade wasn't to be seen and it seemed that the blade was hovering in the air, but Signius new better.

"So, Klivas has a few illusionists," Signius said gently.  He strengthened his hold on the figure and a choking came from the spot where a person should have stood.  The blade fell as the figure could be heard collapsing on the ground.  The person slowly faded into vision wearing a full dark green cloak.

"Master Signius!" a guard yelled, running up the stairs.

"There is no need to worry," Signius said, turning back to the setting sun.  The guard rushed over to the fallen body and examined it thoroughly, removing the weapon from the attacker's hand.

"Is this a Klivas mage?" the guard asked.

"Yes, take him away."  Signius could here the guard hesitate before dragging the body down the stairs.

Nexus stood at the gates facing Klivas, waiting for the soldiers to wake with the rising sun.  He could feel vibrations in the ground, but not the kind that could be created by regular footsteps.  It was obvious to him that Klivas had access to very complex magic and they weren't afraid to flaunt it.  He wondered how Sarah was when the ground lurched violently.  Nexus hunched down to keep from falling over, but he could hear the clatter of metal as the soldiers and their equipment fell to the floor.

"Mages, get out here now!" Nexus screamed after the ground steadied.  The group of mages from Telia rushed out, but the soldiers that could use magic came out trying to find out how to get the robes over their regular clothes.  Even when they got the robes on, their hands trailed across their stomach and chest frequently where their armor used to be.

"At your service, Commander Nexus," one of the Telius mages said, bowing.

"Are you ready?"  The Telius mages nodded solemnly, but the soldiers looked back at the barracks before nodding slowly.  "Soldiers, retrieve the Nisin Water Crystal!"  The soldiers snapped to attention, walking off slowly.  They returned slower than they left, letting the crystal float between the five soldiers as they walked.  The crystal rotated gently even when moving, bobbing up and down in the air as the light reflected off its large eight surfaces in slow succession.

"Commander Nexus," one of the soldiers said hastily upon arriving, "we need this crystal . . ."

"We need it now," Nexus said quickly.  "We will get you another one should the need arise.  Now, gather around it!  We're going to change its function!"

The soldiers stepped back to allow the Telius mages to squeeze into the circle.  "Now!"  All of them raised their palms to the crystal and their hands began to glow a dark brown color.  "Good . . ." Nexus said to himself.

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