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Side View CBS for RMVX Version 1.02 (English)

Side View CBS for RMVX Version 1.02 (English)
By Behemoth


Just in case you guys run past this script! All Credit to Behemoth.

A side view battle system with a bunch of nice little features that mainly use Animations for displaying all the actions of an Actor or Enemy.

How to use
Begin by reading the script inside the project titled "-------IMPORTANT INFO--------". From there you can learn all about what you should be editing and what all the variables do, as well as some important notes.


https://www.fanshaweonline.ca/pages/per ... reen02.jpg[/img]
https://www.fanshaweonline.ca/pages/per ... reen05.jpg[/img]
https://www.fanshaweonline.ca/pages/per ... reen07.png[/img]

An example graphic for the Input Buttons
6 by 2 cells with any width and height for all cells.

https://www.fanshaweonline.ca/pages/per ... uttons.png[/img]

Example Game
Bleach: The Hollow Strife

Download Script Project

Let me know if anything is wrong. If an error does occur don't forget to tell me the error message and line number and what text is on that line. As well as how you think you got that error.

Enjoy the script!
Ignoring the bleach theme .. which makes me a little sad.. the system is very solid. and allot easyer to customize. Reminds me of how i used to use the RM2k3 battlers.

Just one question: Can u also have un-animated enemies.



Awesome! Finally!
I loved the demo of the game :)
Very good battle system, probably one of the best, or even the best for VX.
But I probably keep using tankentai because of the simple style.
Let me start by saying: BRAVO! Amazing battle system.

However, there are a few things I dislike.

For one, the button input doesnt exactly work. The arrow part works fine, but when I'm supposed to input c/x/y/z it doesnt work at all. As if I never input a button. Weird...

Second, it lags a bit and sometimes pretty bad even, maybe that's because of it's using soley animations, but maybe it's possible to fix that a little??

And third, I find the layout hideous. Don't get me wrong, the CBS is awesome, but with a bad layout, a system kinda fails to make an impact. Id suggest letting users customize it (maybe by using pictures for the HP/MP/ATB bars, custom Button Input bar, etc)

I like the fact you level up during battle. Does that mean your user can learn an ability and use it immediatly in battle? That'd be fun.
Wow this is a pretty neat system.

The only thing I don't like is that the buttons weren't converted into the actual key you press. Like when it asked me to press C, I pressed it and nothing happened. The arrow keys worked but none of  the letters. I think that should be converted because the player shouldn't have to know the keys.
That's fixable just by changing the image files for the buttons >.>

I think the system needs a little more flexibility on certain things. Like control over when the damage bounce shows up on a hit or how long it takes between a use-skill animation and a skill-hits animation etc. Also the option to use the Default battle background would be nice (only with the shadowy back drop raised up to make sense.)
Hey Dark-Kyo, big thanks for letting us get the script. I've been looking for this since I saw this battle system on youtube.

Anyway I've got some question.
1. How to read the animation? Like "item.animation_id2 = 292"... and how it could show a picture when skill executed (the one like Byakuya's White Imperial Sword)?

2. How to customized the actor/enemy intro speech (not just graphic)? I can't find the instruction.

3. How to define the button? Such an L and R button.

Big thanks mate. :)
Well here is the Keys.

C= X
B= X
X= A
S= Y
Z= D

This script is actually pretty easy to use.
If you go to Script editor and look at the script, it tells you how to set them up.
I like this CBS more than most of the other ones that was release.

Thank you for viewing

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