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side-view bs

i and my friend would like to request a bs script that would enable us to put our hero sprites on one side (the right being prefered) and the opponents on the other side in a similar fashion to the old final fantasys. the hero stats would go on the bottom of the screen, under the combat with the battle options on the far right side. the options we can think of right now would be attack, abilities, and items. the stats would be hp and ability points and a little window to flash pictures that would indicate status effects.

also, if not too much trouble, we would like to request a way to make the abilities a hero has based on the weapon(s) they are equiped with.

i know im a noob here and im not very good a rpgm, but me and my friend are fairly screwed without this bs (we want to get a demo of this game done by june for our forum's rpg maker contest) so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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