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Sicons Event Edited Tales of XAS BS

Hey guys, ive been working and thinking alot on how i was going to make the EF battle system, i wanted something like the Tales of Battle System, but i wanted it as fast as XAS, and then with a few events and script edits i finally managed it, its really in Beta stages, i even increased the FPS to 60, to make it fit the XAS combat system, this brings alot of motion into the battles and exicting new twists to XAS, i am going to talk to Calvin624 about this, but i am still not sure i want to publish it to any community, even though its not entirely mine

Inspired By: Tales of Battle System and Tideia RMXP game

Original Script by: Xwiderwog or something in that sound
Edited to English by: Calvin624

Graphics and XAS 3.6 Version by: Moghunter

Battlers from: Tales of, Credit to Namco

PS: This is all events and some scripting

Its in Early stages, so i still have alot of custominzation to do, such as Faces and alot of events to do before its final.
Progress: 65%

Type: Linear Motion Battle System

Originally made for: Eternal Freedom

Battle Map by myself^^

Image of the system:


This is basicly couple of events, and in the video you will see alot of the systems capabilitys.


Type of battlers: any that goes sideview, but alot of edits has to be done

Video with abit more added than the one on the picture
Hi. To be honest I'm not sure where this should belong - is it a script or a whole project? It doesn't go here anyway. It would be better to wait until it's finished and just release it or don't, or add something to your signature, or make a project thread. I am moving this to projects for now - it has a screenshot and video which, for this project, I think should suffice.
is this gonna have an ally system or something?

EDIT: Ok, what did u even do to make it so much better (srry if i missed it)

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