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Shops that sell random items



Hi there!
This is a request i've already posted on http://forums.gamebaker.com, but it was more than two months ago and my request has never been filled...
I still need that script badly in my game so i'm posting my request here, hoping i'll get more chance...

Here is my request:
I'm already using MeisMe's Realistic Shop for variable prices and Kylock's Time System.
I figured a way to make prices of items randomly changing every new day.
Now, i need a script to make items the shop got in stock changing everyday too...
I'd like the shop to remember the items that are in stock until i refresh it again.
At least (if possible), i'd like the shop to buy only the item that are in stock
I don't know how can this be done.
Maybe a script command before calling the shop in an event ?

I hope my request is clear enough, if not, tell me what i should explain better, my english is really too bad...
Can somebody help me ????
Thanks !

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