They exclude that functionality from Photoshop Essentials to get you to fork over your limbs for the real deal. There is a way to get your lines extremely crisp and sharp without that, though, but it involves working at around 600 dpi with the PENCIL tool, not the PEN tool. You need your lines to be sharp to the pixel to get the kind of sharpness you're looking for when you shrink it...
Basically, if you're scanning something, you make sure you scan it at 600dpi or higher. Mess with your levels a bit until you get only two colors in your lineart-- drag the dark arrow to the light arrow's location in the levels dialogue and clean up any stray lines that are left with the eraser tool (Make sure it's set to 'Pencil' or "Block" or something like that; anything but BRUSH).
After that, you can fill in your flat colors easily, then you shrink it and shade it.