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Shadowed Text

Hello there.

I'm was wondering if anyone has/ can script me something that puts a shadow on the text in the DMS.

I've been looking for something like this, but have had no luck.

I'd really appreciate some help.

Mr. Ishbuu
I have a little script-ette that adds a few drawing styles into the RGSS system. It's old-school but should work nicely.

First, try adding this little script. I ripped it from one of my scripts. Also, the basics of this were originally created by Tsunokiette I think (don't quote me on that one), but expanded upon.

# Draw Text with the newer text formats: Outlined, Raised and Shadowed, and any 
#                                        combination of the three.
# This class redefines the draw_text system to include outlined, raised and sha-
# dowed text styles.  
# Revised Syntax for draw_text:
#   Normal Text Call:
#     draw_text(x, y, wd, ht, text, align, style, outline, raised, shadow)
#   Rectangle Text Call:
#     draw_text(rect, text, align, style)
#     - Can only use default colors using rect style drawing technique. -
# x & y   = coordinates to draw
# wd & ht = size of drawing area
# rect    = rectangle to draw text (predefined x, y, wd, ht)
# style   = how text should be shown. Default = 0 (normal text)
#           0 = Normal
#           1 = Outline Effect
#           2 = Raised Effect
#           3 = Shadowed Effect
#           4 = Raised Effect and Outlined
#           5 = Shadowed Effect and Outlined
#           6 = Raised Effect and Shadowed
#           7 = Raised, Shadowed and Outlined
# The Colors:...
# outline = (default = black)        Color of outline drawn around text
# raised  = (default = medium gray)  Color of shadow right behind text
# shadow  = (default = dark gray)    Color of shadow spaced behind the text

# ** Bitmap (Default System/Script Edit)
#  This class controls what is displayed on the screen
class Bitmap
  # * Alias Draw_Text (Use original "Draw_Text" command by calling as "Text"
  alias :text :draw_text
  # * Draw_Text
  def draw_text(x, y=nil, wd=0, ht=0, text=nil, align=0, style=0, 
      outline = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255), raised = Color.new(96, 96, 96, 255),
      shadow = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 128))
    # If drawing with a rectangle command
    if x.is_a?(Rect)
      @x = x.x
      @y = x.y
      @wd = x.width
      @ht = x.height
      @text = y
      @align = wd
      @style = ht
    # If drawing with regular command  
      @x = x
      @y = y
      @wd = wd
      @ht = ht
      @text = text
      @align = align
      @style =  style
    # Perform drawing style
    case @style
    # * Normal Text
    when 0
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
    # * Outlined Effect
    when 1
      base_clr = font.color.dup
      font.color = outline
      text(@x+1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x-1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y-1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = base_clr
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)

    # * Raised Effect
    when 2
      base_clr = font.color.dup
      font.color = raised
      text(@x+2, @y+2, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x+1, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = base_clr
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)

    # * Shadowed Effect
    when 3
      base_clr = font.color.dup
      font.color = shadow
      text(@x+4, @y+4, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = base_clr
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)

    # * Raised Effect and Outlined
    when 4
      base_clr = font.color.dup
      font.color = raised
      text(@x+2, @y+2, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x+1, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = outline
      text(@x+1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x-1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y-1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = base_clr
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
    # * Shadowed Effect and Outlined
    when 5
      base_clr = font.color.dup
      font.color = shadow
      text(@x+4, @y+4, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = outline
      text(@x+1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x-1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y-1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = base_clr
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
    # * Raised Effect and Shadowed
    when 6
      base_clr = font.color.dup
      font.color = shadow
      text(@x+4, @y+4, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = raised
      text(@x+2, @y+2, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x+1, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = base_clr
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)      

    # * Raised, Shadowed and Outlined
    when 7
      base_clr = font.color.dup
      font.color = shadow
      text(@x+4, @y+4, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = raised
      text(@x+2, @y+2, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x+1, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      font.color = outline
      text(@x+1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x-1, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y+1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)
      text(@x, @y-1, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)      
      font.color = base_clr
      text(@x, @y, @wd, @ht, @text, @align)      

  # * End of Class
The script adds a few more options to the RGSS command 'draw_text', which now allows for different STYLES of text (outlines, shadows and etc), as well as how shadows and effects are colored (and there are default values too).

0 = Normal              4 = Raised Effect and Outlined
1 = Outline Effect      5 = Shadowed Effect and Outlined
2 = Raised Effect       6 = Raised Effect and Shadowed
3 = Shadowed Effect     7 = Raised, Shadowed and Outlined[/FONT]

The second part will require you to go into the system and begin to change values in your draw_text commands in sections like draw_actor_name, so you can apply the STYLES (or colors) you wanna use.

  def draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32, actor.name, [COLOR=RoyalBlue]0[/COLOR], [COLOR=RoyalBlue]5[/COLOR])
The '0' after actor.name shows that the text is being drawn left-justified (as normal), and the '5' tells the system that the text will be drawn with Outlines AND Shadows. If I added some more to this statement, I could affect the colors of the outlines and shadows... didn't feel like it in this example.
Thanks :)
This works great but I came across a small problem.
When I select a hero after choosing one of the menu options, a small selection highlight bar appears, instead of one the highlights the entire hero.

Even worse now.
I can't make all of the text have the same effect.
When I try, I keep getting errors where it says 'end' in the script.

I hate being a noob at scripting
Um Weird... I'm not getting any problems like that. The system is only editing the draw_text command and shouldn't interfere with any of the draw_rectangle_cursor calls in any way.

Just in case, I've prepared this little demo that changes a few of the texts around in the default menu with some of the features. It won't stay up here forever... as I already have this routine built into one of my posted scripts (if anyone cares to... try it out...? O_o ).

Cheapo demo.

Thank you for viewing

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