<Dahrkael> "I wonder which is better, SFML or Gosu."
<jlnr> refer them to tuiq, he has used both
<tuiq> Hmm?
<Dahrkael> not my question :3
<jlnr> yeah them=whoever said that :D
<tuiq> SFML was
<Dahrkael> i think tuiq prefers gosu over sfml
<tuiq> I don't know.
<tuiq> Too stupid for me.
<tuiq> "Look, you CAN NOT HANDLE IMAGES
<tuiq> And then, you are always confused
<jlnr> ah
<tuiq> Can I re-use this image?
<jlnr> Yeah, that is something that so many libraries get wrong imho
<tuiq> Do I have to create a new one?
<tuiq> Why doesn't it work
<tuiq> It was weird and lagged like hell
<tuiq> I mean, Gosu has 20-30 FPS
<tuiq> But that thing had 2.
<jlnr> :P
<tuiq> And it didn't really offer anything Gosu couldn't do