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Sexy House Track - Complete!

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Let me start with this disclaimer:

Vocals are used without permission of the author and are used in this track for non-commercial purposes only. "Dance with Me" by Laurie Webb and Percy P http://www.myspace.com/lollievox as mixed and sequenced by Blake Reary http://www.myspace.com/blakereary

Now for the song: http://bb.ohsk.net/uploads/Sexy%20House ... pleted.mp3

Dance with Me (Septimus Remix) by Adrian McCauley

As previously stated i went for a more simplistic sound using basic drums and instruments and limiting myself to several powerful base filters to create a 70's funk/groove sound. I know this was supposed to NOT have a piano... but the song needed something soft and a rhodes piano was the only sound I could find that suited this purpose.

I filtered the Rhodes piano through the Love Filter plugin for that gated warbling/flanging effect and basically looped a series of minor chords, with a variant inflection towards the end of the riff.

Loops used are (apart from vocals) the Slap Bass Guitar, and another guitar riff I edited (from a different source and unrelated to each other). I restructured the percussion and removed the loop (it was a template) and sequenced a new loop with jazz percussion instruments.

I layered a sweeping pad sound effect because the sound moved in a lithe and seductive manner, like clothes falling to the carpet, or sheets been pulled back, or lovers embracing. I added a new guitar sound effect for that 70's porn 'wah-wah-wah" sound, flanged it for a chorus effect and added delay and reverb, and I used this to accompany, off-bar, the 'wah-wah' effect.

I am quite proud of this song. I have never made any music like this before. I don't normally dabble in chill-house and as a rule, stay clear of groove or funk. Move over Jamaroquai - Septimus is in the house!

FL Studio 8 Producer Edition
Sytrus Synthesizer

FL Keys custom Rhodes Piano
TS404 and 3x Osc
Various drum kits
Custom Drums include:
Kick Drum
707 hihat
Tight snare
High and mid conga


Fruity Delay
Fruity Reverb
Fruity Flangus
Fruity Vocoder
Love Philter



wrong answer! dump this in WMW thread seeing as thats where it began, or make this a music compile thread. ill give you 24 hours. thanks d:eek:



I figured man, haha, its cool ill move it for you. :D

oops, you already moved it. just remember in the future to report your thread and ill come fix it.
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