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Sexuality = Actions?

Blah, I'm tired. And bored.

People often will look at a particular group of people, based on the simple actions of one. The oddball inherits the attention, and casts his/her shadow across all that walk a like path. You have a supposed link between homosexuals and pedophiles, you have a supposed link between straight men and violent crimes, you have a supposed link between lesbians and biker rallies, you have a supposed link between those who wear leather and chains and Satan worship.

You can't believe in God, in some people's eyes, if you match any one if not all of the above statements. You can't be a good American (substitute your national loyalties if applicable) if you match any if not all of the above. You can't be a upright member of society, hell - I've even heard people imply lower intelligence that borders on having to ask how to tie shoes at age 40+, it's hysterical in a completely unfunny manner. Somehow, if you aren't straight following a boring sex life, you'd be a complete menace to society, it seems.

Is there a link between sexuality and our natural actions. If you are gay, will you have to fight the urge to touch little boys? If you enjoy being whipped would you be ready to sell your soul automatically? If you've had a sex exchange, do you forget how to do the things you did before hand? If your bisexual, are you humping goats while howling to the moon all while listening to Dueling Banjos off your 8-track?

Or is sexuality just that... Sexuality. A facet of our individual being, that doesn't control as a whole, but rather is influenced by the rest of our personal make up. Because someone is gay does that mean they are incapable of acting the same as others - and does that mean straight folk are somehow better off naturally? Or are these more like sickening and horribly ignorant racial arguments, where blacks simply "are" more bestial and incapable of anything other than raping a white woman?
Vanilla!!!;303708 said:
Now, kids, what important things has this thread taught us?

1. People who masturbate are gay.

2. Every gay person is a pedophiler.

3. Therefore, every person who masturbates is a pedophiler.

4. Gays are weirdos.

5. The fact that there are people who fall in love with people of the same sex must be hidden from children or it will be the end of the world as we know it.

6. High school teachers are creepy.

7. Creepy people masturbate.

8. Therefore, every high school teacher is a gay sex-crazed pedophiler.

9. Gay people are incapable of doing anything worth their existance on earth.

10. Therefore, gay people must be erradicated from the face of earth.

11. Therefore, high school teachers and anyone else who has masturbated at least once during their entire lives must be slaughtered.

Damn, do we sound like the Catholic church.

Being atheist is fun :) [2]

EDIT: 12. The place where I live doesn't exist. I am only an experiment of the US government.

That sumes up all the stupidity that people can think...

On deffense of priests, I can say something similar too, but it'll be all a falacy...

Mangoes are sweet
Mangoes are fruits
Fruits are sweet

He rape a kid
He's a priest
Every priest is a raper (O.o)

They're gay
They touched a kid
Gays touch kids

And I can keep on and on...

Fallacy: "A statement that follows all of the steps in logyc but leads to a false statement"

And the favorite fallacy is: "Rushed Generalization"

We must stop that... No, actions aren't defined by that kind of crap
This is honestly so pointless. Obviously sexuality doesn't have a connection with your actions, although there are certain things to take into account with each sexuality. With two guys (from personal experience...) it's definitely hard to keep your hands off of each other, no matter how modest either of you might be. I'm quite sure it isn't the same for two females, or a male and a female, if someone wants to say different though, you can go right ahead. (I'm talking about ratio by the way, I know there are overly sexual women, as well.)

(I don't touch little boys.)



It's the same for me and my girlfriend can't keep our hands off each other, but no I don't think sexuality has anything to do with actions.

Each to their own, every gay/straight/indifferent man or women is different and all have different views, values and actions.

But there are people who think you go to hell for most of the things you do, cough..corporate..cough..@merica, ahem, excuse me.
I meant like, when you first meet. I tend to um...do stuff on the first date. I don't really hear of that happening between boys and girls too often. (Sorry about the info. Too much, too much, I know.)



You don't hear about it? goes on all the time, I don't know why, I think it's just lust at first, I'm a lusty guy so I never run out (god I sound like batteries).

And as for doing stuff on the first date, who doesn't :)

But our actions sexually are our own unique thing, I wouldn't want every gay or straight partner I have be the same, it would be extremely boring and unnatural, natural for me is being different, different actions for every sexuality and whatever else there is.
Jakey, I'm not singling out homosexual = pedophile, though I wanted to break this topic into the symposium, it was the final motivation you could say.

I'm talking full on personality and actions really. If you're a guy and you like guys, do you have to be all purple and flower picking, if your a woman and you like women do you have to be all flannel and cowboy boot wearing. Obviously the answer is no, but I keep seeing (more or less everywhere one could look, not just here) this old school thought when it comes to alternative lifestyles and forms of pleasure.

And as for "doing stuff on the first date" - I'm lucky if I wait till the date, so it's not a straight or homosexual thing, it's an over active lust thing.



One thing I don't understand is the way a lot of gay men talk, I mean fair enough they must be in touch with their feminine side, but they are gay, not women, so why try and talk like one?

My uncle is gay and he talks like how you would expect, feminine, but his partner talks like a straight man.
An example of the fact of being gay doesn't affect your behavior severliy. Your uncle does one thing and his couple does another



Exactly, I said this before, everybody acts differently.

Each to their own, every gay/straight/indifferent man or women is different and all have different views, values and actions.

The only thing that being gay affects is the fact you go with the same sex, oh, and all the stigma associated with.
Yes. But unfortunately, there is people out there that enjoys looking down on this matter.

So, I'm a Compuer Engineering student, does that mean we're nerds? Obviously not. Some party, some are nerdy and etc.
We tend to raise boys by telling them that they have to have as much sex as possible whenever possible. So, when they're staring to be attracted to each other, and full of testosterone, and looking for a replacement for their heterosexual identities, it's not hard to guess what will happen. Your sexuality does alter your behavior because your behavior is shaped by how people treat you, (and how you expect to be treated by people), and that is shaped at least in part by your sexuality. Being gay is not a god damn walk in the park, (sorry, bad taste :D); I don't know anyone who hasn't been affected by it. I mean, I never had a problem with it and I never lost any sleep over it, but looking back it has had a very strong influence on how I act.



True, but you will find that most of the people who look down on things like homosexuality are members of religion.

I am not saying religious people are evil or that religion is wrong, it is just a fact that churches and the like all frown upon this, amongst other things.

(Although I am not religious, I do not have anything against regular religious people, just those who try and ram God down my throat)

Edit: Was meant for PINEDAXP's post

@Roman Candle:

Yes it alters behavior, in the sense that you prefer the same sex.

I am straight and I have gay friends, some act like pansies, and some act straight. (acts is a bad word, but I can't find a better one) So you couldn't tell off first impressions that some are gay.

Anything can make your behavior change, my twin brother being in intensive care has changed me, although hopefully not permanently, so being gay or straight it doesn't make a difference.

Anything can change your behavior.
It has to do with the fact that human beings have to categorize the world around them in order to understand it.

Stereotypes, both positive and negative, help us adapt faster to people and situations. They're essentially a shortcut in assessing how we should act toward and around others.

It's not unique to sexuality either. It ranges from physical (age, gender, race, clothing style, etc) to mental (intelligence level, personality type, astrological sign) to spiritual (religion, philosophy etc), and then some.

If someone is different from us, we'll tend to attribute all of their differences to one single deciding element. So if a male we meet happens to be very feminine, and we learn that he's gay; we will conclude that his femininity is due to sexual orientation. It could have absolutely nothing to do with his sexuality. But if his behavior is different than ours and the only difference is different sexual orientation, then by golly, that must be why they're different!

Also, we look for specific signs and differences that will help us easier recognize our stereotypes. So if we were, for example, to see another very feminine man, we might (without thinking even) assume he's gay and treat him accordingly.

This system allows us to assess the situation quickly and prepare for a possible flight/fight scenario. This basic primal response ensures our survivability. And yet some stereotypes might no longer have a place in our civilized world and increasingly complex social ideas and relationships. That's why there is a movement to break up certain stereotypes and to inform the general society through one means or another.



I don't think people realize how many straight men molest little girls AND boys. So sure, there are pedophiles out there who happen to be gay...AND they touch boys, but it just so happens that they are gay. Straight men do it too. It's a sick, sick world.

(Im not a pedophile, or gay.) Does it matter?
As far as I know gay people (4 guys, 1 girl) I have never encountered any that act like they're actually someone of the opposite sex. One is a tad more girly than the average guy, but he still doesn't act like one.

Like Sixtyandaquarter stated before, it's merely the odd ducks among sorts that determine how people look at a "certain kind of people". (Sadly most of them are religious, yes.)

A well-known example is "gay guys act like girls". But now both gays AND girls get a label that doesn't represent all included in those groups. Gays aren't always girly, but girls also aren't always into shopping, make-up and the like.

The main reason for all this stuff is probably the fact that a lot of people are roaming the Earth, which makes it hard to know every single one of them. So people try to divide humans into categories so it is easy for them to explain what kind of people they mean when explaining stuff to others. There's nothing bad in trying to tell about groups of people, but it usually means that people who hear about e.g. asexuals and tell about asexuals to other peoples, they might explain the term "asexual" differently. So if person A talks to person B and says "Asexuals are people that do not feel lust.", person B might explain asexuality to person C as "Asexuals are people that feel no emotion.". Also, some people say "asexuals are all unsociable" because they know 1 unsociable asexual. Might be some extreme examples, but that's how this often happens.

Meh, I'm too serious for the net. X)
It truely depends on the individual...there are plenty of examples where clothing on someone fits the stereotype...but then again there are plenty of expamples of people who break the stereotype. SO, really its up to the person if they want to be like everyone else. Some realize they have a choice others don't, and others still don't want to know.
I agree with lunarea, and I'm going to say the only reason why sexuality would affect a persons actions or personality would be outside forces. Just because you're gay, doesn't mean you're innately prone to do a certain thing...except have sex with the same sex.

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