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Setting Him Up

Setting Him Up

So Eli wanted to see, what exactly would be the breaking point for his parents. He didn't know exactly what it was, but he knew that it was nearing, closer and closer every day. Maybe he wanted to test them, to understand exactly where the stress would simply be too much to withstand. Maybe he just wanted them to understand that things were getting messed up far too many times a week, far too many times a day. Or maybe he just wanted it to end, by any means necessary.

It wouldn't really be unreasonable for him to test them, to break them, to hurt them a little bit for what they've done, to each other, to everyone around him, and to himself. He won't be very forgiving. They deserve it. He deserves it. A little relief. A little fun.

So after Eli's father opened the wine cooler for his hourly dose of alcoholic beverages, Eli went over and opened it again, leaving it ajar. The light of the wine was on, the cool breeze that emanated from it freshened his face. Eli checked the time, flicking at his worn-out electric wristwatch. Eight of the night, it beeped, and then he nodded. The last time his father left the wine cooler open, the man's wife threw a coffee mug through the wall. Namely, Eli's wall, but let's hope that it won't be the same wall this time.

Eli walked back through the house, and snidely glanced behind a corner at his father. As his father poured out the usual bourbon into his glass, a habit the man had yet to break, Eli took out a small remote control, and pressed it to move up. On the second floor of the house, a small remote-controlled vehicle twitched, and moved causing a great ruckus, as the toy was wedged directly under the windowsill. It moved out of the window, falling down into the lawn and breaking partially, but the damage had been done. The window thumped closed, and severed the string that had been connected to the toy. The string pulled the bottom book out of a stack, and it toppled, papers, novels, and notebooks jumbling over.

Glancing back, Eli found his father slowly getting out of his couch, grumbling and red-eyed. For a lawyer, the man was disastrously disorganized, and such occurrences were of frequent occurrence. The man walked up the stairs, to sort out the mess that accumulated, no doubt to put the mess in a compromising position yet again in his haste to catch the latest episode of whatever it was on the television, whether it be the last family broadcasting channel's next big hit or the newest adult video premier.

Glory be to cable television.

Eli, with stealth and wariness in his step, sneaked up to the glass of alcohol that now lied before him, not watched by the eyes of his father. Withdrawing a small tablet from his jacket, Eli plopped it into the drink, and shaking it to make a concoction. Sneaking away, he leaned against the wall, the lights turned out, and waited for his father to come back.

The thumping against the stairs, no doubt expressing the anger that there was no outlet for the anger, signaled the arrival of Eli's father. The man slumped against the couch, breathing out a deep sigh, and flicked the screen back on, revealing the new hit of the network television channel. Gripping the alcoholic glass in his left hand, he started gulping it, slamming it down and then started pouring out more. After a moment, the man's eyes fluttered. He emitted a yawn, and then stared at the television with ever drooping eyes, and before long, small snores could be heard.

Eli, with a determined face, promptly stood straight, and started for his father's room. Checking between the mattresses of the bed, he brought out various magazines of the gentleman's persuasion. Flipping through the variety of the cache before him, Eli picked out the magazines that one would consider most repulsive to the female sex, the ones with gags, whips, ropes, and those of similar nature. Content with three of the pornographic leaflets, he retreated down the stairs and place one in the father's hands, one of the table, and one beneath his father with some visibility, to give it a sense of realism, rather than a picture of a man blatantly framed.

Eli typed in the code for the television, which was ironically enough the date of his parent's wedding. Flicking though, he settled on the Adult Channel. Easy enough. With some disgust at his next action, Eli unzipped his father's khakis and pulled them down slightly, revealing the boxers. He unbuttoned and disarrayed his father's clothing. He messed up the man's hair. And... he was done.

Stepping back, Eli surveyed the scene before him. He saw the alcohol, he saw the pornographic magazines, the channel on the television clearly not meant for minors, he saw the dirty man... He glanced back at the wine cooler outside, which was clearly open.

The house needed just something a little bit more, he thought...

Eli remembered. Walking up the stairs and into his father's room again, he smacked at the pile of books stacked up. Going into the guest room, although it was really now his mother's room, he removed some of her frilly undergarments, and then brought them downstairs and placed them in his father's hands.

Taking with him two hundred dollars, Eli exited the house, got onto his bicycle, and started pedaling away.

Glancing at his watch, it was ten minutes until his mother returned to the house and saw the scene before him. He gave a dark smile as he left, uncaring about the actions that were soon to storm his abode.

If this wasn't the breaking point for parents already at their wits end, he didn't know what was.

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