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Seph's Battle Switching & Summoning for RTAB

this would be uberly sweet if someone (preferably seph) could make Battle Switching & Summoning work with DerVVulfman's RTAB that we have on our forums.
Saw your post, but I won't be able to get to it... at least not for a while. I'm pretty tied up. Ya outta see all the requests I've received for Anim Battlers alone...

Best bet it to see how to edit or patch the Battle Switching script to work with RTAB (by Cogwheel). Minkoff had the same reaction. Everyone thought HE wrote RTAB too :D And, I just translated and uploaded v 1.16 of RTAB itself (newly upgraded 7-30-06).

I haven't looked at Battle Switching but if you wanna try to tackle this let me point out that a lot of defs used in RTAB adds an extra argument.

DBS. Statement: def update_phase4_step1
RTAB Statement: def update_phase4_step1(battler)[/FONT]

Instead of using a @battler value that runs throughout the battle system, almost each statement RTAB uses requires an extra parameter. This is so the battle system can control all the battlers in a free-form Action System one at a time. If they used a global value like @active_battler, the free-form system would get confused if one battler's ATB reaction overtakes another.

Don't get me wrong. I definitely like the idea of being able to switch players during battle. I'm also waiting for a script (RTAB that is) that will allow players to equip/remove GEAR when fighting.
yea, im still very basic at scripting, and im learning still but im getting through, i cant do the whole battle system scripting things yet so i wont attempt it.. im just hoping someone might help right now... but for now ill just wait..

that gret your working on a in battle equiper!

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