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SephirothSpawn's Weapon Speacials Script [RTAB compatible]

I'm not much of a scripter (read: I know nothing about RGSS scripting but I have experience in other programming languages), but the other day I was messing around with SephirothSpawn's Weapon specials script and I made it compatible with Cogwheel's RTAB system by commenting out the SDK dependency and changing the names of a few variables.

The script allows you to have weapons that perform skills when you use a regular attack. Once again, this is not my script, all credit goes to SephirothSpawn. I don't know if this been done before (and please correct me if I did something wrong, this is my first scripting-related endeavor), but here's my edited version of the script:

# ** Weapon Specials
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 1
# 2006-11-04
# * Description :
#   This script was designed to allow give your weapons specials when they
#   are used to attack. You can asign multiple specials and control their
#   probablilty to be used. You can force the special and make sp cost of the
#   skill nothing. (Specials are skills)
# * Instructions :
#   Place The Script Below the SDK and Above Main.
#   To customize weapon specials, refer the the customization instructions.
# * Customization :
#   Force Specials (Passes skill_can_use? test no matter what)
#    - Force_Specials = true or false
#   Specials Use SP
#    - Specials_Use_Sp = true or false
#   Setting Weapon Special
#    - Weapon_Specials = { weapon_id => { probability => skill_id, ...}, ... }

# * SDK Log Script
#SDK.log('Weapon Specials', 'SephirothSpawn', 1, '2006-11-04')

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
#if SDK.state('Weapon Specials')
# ** RPG::Weapon

class RPG::Weapon
  # * Options
  #   Force Specials : When true, actor uses skill no matter what.
  #                    When false, actor must be able to use special (skill).
  #   Use SP : When true, actor uses sp to cast special.
  #            When false, skill sp cost is nothing.
  Force_Specials  = false
  Specials_Use_Sp = false
  # * Weapon Specials
  #   Weapon_Specials = { weapon_id => { probability => skill_id, ...}, ... }
  #   Can have a greater than 100 probablity
  #   Use nil as skill id, for attack
  Weapon_Specials = {
    1 => { 100 => 57 }
  # * Use Weapon Special Test
  def use_special?
    # Creates Array for skill ids
    specials = []
    # If Weapon Has Specials
    if Weapon_Specials.has_key?(@id)
      # Passes through each special
      Weapon_Specials[@id].each do |prob, skill_id|
        # Adds skill id to specials array probability times
        (prob).times { specials << skill_id }
    # Returns random action
    return specials[rand([specials.size, 100].max)]

# ** Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_weaponspecials_scnbtl_mbar make_basic_action_result
  # * Make Basic Action Results
  def make_basic_action_result(battler)
    # If attack
    if battler.current_action.basic == 0
      # If Actor
      if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
        # If Using Weapon
        unless (weapon_id = battler.weapon_id) == 0
          # If Weapon Has a Special
          unless (skill_id = $data_weapons[weapon_id].use_special?).nil?
            # Sets To Skill Action
            battler.current_action.kind = 1
            # Sets Skill ID
            battler.current_action.skill_id = skill_id
            # If Forcing
            if RPG::Weapon::Force_Specials
              battler.current_action.forcing = true
            # Use Skill
            # Recover SP if No SP Cost
            unless RPG::Weapon::Specials_Use_Sp
              battler.sp += $data_skills[skill_id].sp_cost
    # Original Make basic action result processing

# * End SDK Enable Test

Edit: Forgot to mention, this is compatible with most RTAB addons except for connected attacking. By most, I mean all the other official addons and all unofficial that I have tested it with. If you plan to use it, you must remove "Connected Attacking" and "Consumable Items Patch" or disable them.

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