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[SEMI-FILLED] Perspective Script



Hey guys, I'm looking for a script that I'm pretty sure used to exist.(although I'm not thatsure that I'm going to go and add it to the lost script thread)

The script I'm looking for is a perspective script to work with the SDK and the 'New Pixelmovement Script' by f0tz!baerchen. I need the script to be able to change the size of the character as he moves forwards and backwards (so that the further down the street he is for example the smaller he looks) also, if the script could include something that would allow me to focus the smallest point. (for example if my map does not have it's perspective totally aligned to the middle of the screen but say, slightly to the right or left with verifying levels of depth.)

http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4171 ... opyur3.jpg[/IMG]

http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/1568 ... opyoo4.jpg[/IMG]
The red square on this image would be representative of the event that I could place to pinpoint the furthest point. (were the hero is smaller) The blue
lines are a rough representation of the perspective and the figure is obviously just the hero changing in size.

Being able to adjust the figures per map would be ideal, so that I could adjust by how much the hero shrinks or grows per step to fit better with the angle chosen for each map.

I'm pretty sure my description of this sucks and if you have any other questions feel free to PM me or just reply in here.

I'm not really sure what I can offer to anyone in return for doing this other than the usual name in credits, or maybe some artwork (better than the examples shown above anyway lol)

Thanks in advanced :thumb:
Mac;126642 said:
That is amazing Seph, i thought it must be complex but then again i look at it and its mostly set co-ordinates and mathematical equations...i'm surprised someone didn't come up with this sooner.

Congrats on another amazing script...i'm loving it.

Someone DID do it earlier. Minkoff released a script like this quite some time ago. Not QUITE as complicated (didn't have coordinates for a vanishing point, just one point for every map.)

In addition, this same visual effect can be seen under certain conditions in the Mode7 script by Mewsterus.

Nothing special, but good job anyways Seph.



I see what you mean Prexus and i never knew Minkoff did one...but when you say about Mode7 it was very tempromental and was full of errors, as this is so simple, small and eye pleasing it has little that can go wrong with it.



Yeah, i see what you mean by that Myonosken..Seph i think you should call it "Mode A Number So High, If I Knew That Number My Brain Would Implode" i think that would be a fair and decent name.

But yeah if you can get the tilemap class to use this then theres no telling what people will be doing, such a little thing is going to revolutionise the RPG Maker.



Yeah i know what you mean, Mode 7 was big but not too big but the reason why it wasn't was because of all its bugs and errors that kept popping up. Its just its amazing how far the rmxp has come since it first started off.

Ahhh yeah i understand if you can't so this though, i know you have alot to do, as you take requests and also work on your own things. Anyway well done and i look forward to see the test bed
Wow great script SS, shouldn't this be moved to scripts since it's a completed request (plus everyone loves it).
On the other hand, this script will need good backgrounds or tiles to reach its full graphical potential. I was thinking something like "The Way" in RM2K.
Great job seph!! ^_^ Maybe you're right about the flashy smaller scripts :thumb: well, lookie here, seph's on his way on conquering Mode07...in less than an hour!!! um..I'm kiddin by the way...just givin you an ego booster :)



@sanchezinc - If you read the posts earlier it isn't fully complete so there is no need to post this in Submitted Scripts, he is going to make changes to it, such as the suggestions Myonosken suggested. Plus SS has a reputation for releasing top notch scripts rather then little bits and pieces, so when or if he does even more to it, it will be even more better.

So all we can do is wait XD

Good luck.
Ahhh, another awesome script from the mind of SS. Nice one. I'm trying to do something similar to this in events, only I'm trying to get a 3D mode rather then perspective. This is really cool though Seph, it will come in handy for a lot of cutscene stuff, keep up the cool scripts.

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