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SEE - Title Screen

~ Intro ~

Time for a new script series?
Yeah, I think so too.

StormCross Engine Evolution aims to provide you with the maximum amount of customization for the default RPG Maker VX scripts, while adding new features and keeping compatibility with other scripts.

These scripts are able to be used alltogether, or just a small selection, your choice.

~ This Script ~

This script gives you all the customization powers you could want for the title screen, including random title music and random title backgrounds.
Just follow the instructions in the Title module to set everything up how you want it.

~ Script ~


# * SEE - Title Screen Customisation                           * Version 1 *

# * By StormCross

# * [url=http://www.planetdev.co.uk]http://www.planetdev.co.uk[/url]

# * 21/09/2011

# * If you like my scripts, please show your appreciation by checking out

#   my friendly, helpful Game Development Community, PlanetDev. Link above.

#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# * Overwritten Methods

#   - create_title_graphic

#   - play_title_music


# * Aliased Methods

#   - create_command_window

#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# * This script allows you to customize the title screen in many different ways.

#   Just follow the instructions in the Title module to set everything up.



$imported = {} if $imported == nil 

$imported["SEE - Title Screen"] = true



# * Main StormCross Engine Evolution Configuration Module


module SEE


  # * Title Screen Configuration Module


  module Title


    # * X Coordinate of the Command Window




    # * Y Coordinate of the Command Window




    # * Opacity of the Command window. Max value is 255.




    # * Play a random music file? Set to true if yes, and false if not.


    RANDOM_MUSIC = false


    # * If you've set RANDOM_MUSIC to false, the first music file will play.

    # * If not, seperate each filename with a comma. Always wrap the filenames

    #   in quote tags


    MUSIC_FILES = ["Airship", "Dungeon1", "Dungeon2"]


    # * Play the music at a random pitch? Set to true if yes, or false if not


    RANDOM_PITCH = true


    # * If RANDOM_PITCH is false, this value will be used.

    #   50 = Minimum. Low Pitch.

    #   100 = Normal Pitch

    #   150 = Maximum. High Pitch


    PITCH = 100


    # * Show a random background? Set to true if yes, or false if not.




    # * If you've set RANDOM_BACKGROUND to false, the first background will be

    #   used. If you set it to true, then a random background will be displayed.

    #   Seperate each filename with a comma, and always wrap in quote tags.


    BACKGROUNDS = ["Title"]

  end # Title

end # SEE



# * Scene_Title Edit for SEE - Title Screen


class Scene_Title < Scene_Base


  # * Include the Config Module


  include SEE::Title


  # * create_title_graphic


  def create_title_graphic # Overwritten

    @sprite = Sprite.new


      index = rand(BACKGROUNDS.size)

      background = BACKGROUNDS[index]


      background = BACKGROUNDS[0]


    @sprite.bitmap = Cache.system(background)

  end # create_title_graphic


  # * play_title_music


  def play_title_music # Overwritten


      index = rand(MUSIC_FILES.size)

      music = MUSIC_FILES[index]


      music = $data_system.title_bgm.name




        pitch = rand(150)

      end until pitch >= 50 && pitch <= 150


      pitch = 100


    Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/#{music}", 100, pitch)



  end # play_title_music


  # * Alias the method, and add in customization values.


  alias see_scenetitle_createcommand create_command_window


  # * create_command_window


  def create_command_window # Alised


    @command_window.x = COMMAND_WINDOW_X

    @command_window.y = COMMAND_WINDOW_Y

    @command_window.opacity = COMMAND_WINDOW_OPACITY

  end # create_command_window

end # Scene_Title

~ Credits ~

Please credit me if you use this script.

~ Commercial Games ~

This script is free for use in commercial games. Just remember to give credit!
honestly i was expecting to see more from this script. but i see what you were going for. why would you ever use a random pitch? to me that seems like a loss of control. music is very important in a game.
The Random pitch is just an option, I just wanted to have every possible option I could think of, so every base was covered.

I'm aware there are a couple more, and will be putting them in the next version.
Thanks for your feedback though :D
Interesting fact: If you wouldn't have dropped the C (for 'Cross') in the abbreviation, you would get SCEE. :)

Also interesting: Your bare-bones line count is 36... and those 36 lines don't really do anything but provide a different interface for the default Scene_Title. I wouldn't necessarily call it more user-friendly... more like "you could use the steering wheel to control your car... but look, I made this very complex automaton that will turn it according to your input on this gamepad here! :thumb:"

Well, as always, I'm missing the point of it... I'm starting to think it might be me :crazy:

*points to signature barely noticeable*

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