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Second little writing thing

This is a small random piece of writing I did out of a mixture of boredom and ranodmness. It was written in about 30 - 40 minutes and hasn't been proof read or anything but here it is.

"The guilt with every heartbeat multiplies."

I looked up at the small opening that there was above me,

"There's no rainbow after the storm."

My hands weak from exhaustion can barely reach it let alone claw his way to freedom,

"The chapter has ended, there is no reunion. This is the end."

I close my eyes and my body leans back against the wall of this small cave, I breathe deeply taking in fresh air for the first time in years, it tastes sweet. I almost become lost in the illusion and my eyes jerk awake. I know if I sleep now, all that I have done will have been for naught. I think once more about why I'm here and what I came here to do, I feel one last cycle of adrenaline run through my body as my legs go into action,

"If it is only to make the hypnosis end then it will have been worth it..."

I lift both hands and grasp the edges of the opening before a sharp intake of breathe as I pull myself upwards and slide into the world above the surface. The sky has a hazy grey tone to and some sort of liquid seems to be falling from it, I attempt to move my arms but to no avail,

"This is as far as I will go..."

I feel my eyes begin to close as an unearthly warmth begins to float through my body, I can feel the liquid dripping onto my face into my eyes, I then realise this is the rain she spoke of long ago,

"When the sky is in pain it sheds it's tears for the world to know."

My eyes finally close and I can still feel the sensation that the rain creates on my body, my ears then sense the sound of sirens pulsating through the air destroying the poetry of the sky. I wonder if I will survive long enough for them to bring me back, I wonder if I'll survive long enough to see her, I wonder what it is I feel on my face. My left eye slowly opens and I see the face which I have longed for since this all began.

I feel a sudden spark in my chest and it ignites my body allowing me to feel that I can move again, I blink my eyes to make sure it's her and her image doesn't fade. A smile breaks through my face and I manage to lift myself to my knees. I feel her hands softly on my arm and allow her to lift me, in this instance I feel all the bindings that I had to the earth dissipate and a feeling of completion enters my mind.

I look to my side and see her there exactly as I remember, a smile once again comes to my face as does hers. She places her hand on my face and shifts my hair,

"There is a rainbow after the storm."

At these words a sudden streak of sunlight breaks through the clouds shining a rainbow of colours at once. It spreads breaking the clouds and shining brightness into the grey earth. I look down and see my body, but I don't feel shock or surprise but instead relief, I look over at the car which pulled up beside my body it's siren blaring. I don?t feel the fear it's sound once struck into my heart.

I look to my side once more and into her eyes before she leans in planting a light kiss on my lips, the feeling seems nostalgic and alien at the same time but overall positive. As she breaks away from me, everything around me is swallowed in swirl of rainbow coloured flowers and when it clears all I see is a field filled with these flowers.

I feel the final bindings on my self release and my body floats slowly upwards, I close my eyes and feel the calmness of the atmosphere around me. I feel her breathe tickle my ear before she speaks,

"We made it back, together."

That's it please tell me what you think I'm trying to improve my writing, all comments welcome.
Changed and strangely when i posted it last time all my apstrophes and speech marks changed to question marks, wierd.

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