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Scrolling Text...



Hi, I was just wondering if there was a way to make the text in a message box scroll as it is being typed.

Before you give me ccoa's AMS, or dubleaxes, let me explain more fully what I mean by "scrolling text"

Ever played harvest moon?
If so, you might know what I am talking about, and if not... I will explain.

Basically, the text box is fit so that every one is the same size, with the avatar pic on the left. this box moves and places itself on top of the event, and its name also appears on it.

When the text is scrolling, letter by letter as it is being said, once the text box is full, thee little V arrow appears on the bottom, indicating that the player has to press a button before the rest of the test is displayed.
I know that RMXP has this, but in RMXP once you press space or something, all the text dissappears and the new text starts writing. In harvest moon however, the bottom line of text moves up to take the place of the above line, and that like moves up as well... (there are 3 lines of text) and the new text starts under that row.
Think of it as pressing enter in MS word or something, it goes to the next line and starts typing. You can see the previous words posted, but the top line that has already been said disappears or "scrolls" upward.

Hence the name, "Scrolling Text"

Is this possible?
Also, for the event placement (above the event) and the name box, and the pic (if there is a pic) could it be script called? So there is like a script that says something like $something here(002/James/jamespic) that goes before the message box, and that has the Event that it appears above, the name ethat goes into the box, and the charpic (if any) that will be used.

Is this at all possible?
Has it already been made?

I tried searching, but I got nothing.



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