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script situation

I have a major problem involving scripts made by Trickster.
Upon setting up the Gradient Bar script, I found it to work well, but upon adding the SDK, the Gradient Bar script immediately pops up with an error, and the only way it will stop is by removing the Gradient Bars. Here's what I mean:

(Upon opening the battle screen:)

http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c187/ ... /error.jpg[/IMG]

This is the line of code it refers me to:

viewport = $game_temp.in_battle ? $scene.spriteset.viewport2 : nil

I just see no way of mixing the Gradient Bar script (which I really would like to use in my game) with the SDK or any other battle scripts, for that matter.

The scripts I would like to use together, but have prevented due to this error whenever I try, are:

Advanced Individual Battle Commands and Steal SDK by Trickster, and the script Seph gave me for Definable Encounter Areas:


I just would really like my game to be able to use these scripts together with the Gradient Bar one. If anyone could help me in ANY way whatsoever, I would really appreciate it.
SephirothSpawn;143894 said:
I remember Trickster having a slight error in his code. Give me the links or post the scripts (spoilers please) to jog my memory so I can remember which one it was.

Well no one told be about it, (this has to be my new pet peeve)

Did you copy each script there were some additional directions to the script, ah well I'm working on a update atm.

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