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- Script Request Forum Rules -

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HBGames.org Script Requests Rules
As of 09/24/2008

To view the General Rules of HBGames.org, please click here.

Please remember that this board's rules are in conjunction with the General Forum Rules.

When posting in this forum, members are expected to understand and follow the rules and guidelines presented in this topic. This topic will be locked for the sake of cleanliness. If any member has any specific questions regarding any of these rules, feel free to send a private message to myself or any other moderator or administrator.

Before Requesting.
Chances are, if you were re-directed to this page, someone is trying to tell you something.

Do not mistreat people who help you!
I for one am tired of seeing people mistreat others who are using their time to help you with your request. If it is not what you want, say so. But at least thank them for showing an effort. Violators will be immediately warned.

If someone is violating these rules...
Do not say anything at all. No sarcastic remarks. Nothing. This is to cover your self. Instead, redirect them to this page. Just paste the link and post. If you think it's bad enough, use the report button. It's what it is there for.

Seph & Trickster
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