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Script problem!!! (way too much to explain in this little box)

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ok, here goes.
im using seph's equipment skills script, in conjunction with the actor stat bonus script. i've had no trouble with it until now. I created a skill called str+5which is exactly that, a passive skill that increses str by 5 (knowing the skill adds the str as per the actor stat bonus) and im using in conjuction with a bunch of KGC scripts including the skill sort. (it goes under the category passive) BUT, it comes in invisible. no visible bar or name or anything and i cant figure out why. any ideas at all?
nevermind, i figured it out, apparently anything i want to add to the equipment skills script is going to have to be done before any playtesting is done, anything added after a saved game will not apply to the saved game, why, i cant tell you..

so i guess ill just have to revel in my fate :)
Someone close this thread then...

Why the fuck do people not notice that when you have a save game and install a new script it won't be in effect??? I've seen that a billion times now...

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