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Script Merge: RTAB and Materia System

Okay, so I got some help trying to do it on my own before, but I have come to a point where I can figure out no more. Basically, my request is for someone to merge DerVVulfman's fantastic reworking/translation of Cogwheel's RTAB system with Sephiroth Spawn's fantastic Materia System. There's actually only one thing I can think of that really needs to be done on it though: the support materia (and quite possibly the independent materia) don't work, and the support seem to cause problems with whatever they're supporting.

So far, I've managed to be able to select the skill in battle and use it. However, if the skill is paired with an All materia (haven't tested the others yet) then it doesn't actually perform the skill at all and acts as if you just chose to do nothing that round. Well, that's not supposed to happen, right?

So, if anyone is willing to try their hand at finishing merging these two successfully, that'd be fantastic! Heck, I've provided a link with a test demo for you fellas as well:

To anyone who attempts this, good luck, and thank you for even trying!
Hmm... no one even interested at attempting this? Nobody at all?

I hope someone decides to put themselves to the task. I could really use the help with it.

I'd be grateful for any help that anyone could give.

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