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Script Merge Request: Lufia Battle Report + RM2K Battle Message

Script Merge Request: Lufia Battle Report + RM2K Battle Message

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to check out my request. As the title states, I am looking for someone who would be willing to merge together the Lufia Battle Report system with the RM2K Battle Message system. After fooling around with the two scripts myself, the best I could manage was basic functionality, with these few glitches:

-The Battle text itself is disposed of almost immediately after being printed, making it near impossible to make sense of what is going on
-After Battle, the "You Win" window stays on screen, and the Battle Report is printed underneath it

The Lufia Battle Report Demo can be found here:


The RM2K Battle Message Script can be found here:


Any assistance given is greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for taking the time to consider my problem.

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