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Script ideas for my game

Hi. I recently check out RPG Maker XP and it looks pretty good. I have had an idea for a game, but wanted to know if a few things are possible. I'll do this in list format

-Can you have it so the party can consist of 6 characters? I could probably do it with 4, but 6 may be interesting.
-Do there exist any scripts that make the game feel like an SNES Final Fantasy game? The menus and whatnot?

This next section is all about the battle system.

-Is there any script to make the battle system like Final Fantasy 5 or 6's? The ATB system was what I loved. The side view, the gauges, and the monster blinking when performing some action with a description appearing overhead. I'd want it to be the "Wait" system and not "Active".
-For the battle system script, can you define certain attributes for the monsters such as being immune to or receiving a percentage of damage to certain types of weapons, magic? Is absorbtion possible? This is also not limited to elements.
-Is it possible to assign a different effect for some types of magic? (example: Have lightning slow a target rather than hurt it)
-Is it possible for monsters to take newer actions when their health is at a certain level?
-Can you have it so monsters can summon allies into combat?
-Can you have custom death animations for bosses? The killing of FF6 bosses comes to mind as the boss sort of blinks and slowly fades out.

Another game concept I was wondering:
-Can you have it so magic is not done with magic points, but rather the mage having a certain number of spells and then they can be relearned by resting?

I saw some screenshots of an FF-looking battle system, though I wouldn't want the limit breaks. Just something that displays the monsters' names, quantity of the monster (if more than 1), the player's names, health and the gauge.



Most of these scripts can be found at: http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3353

Absorption of spells is possible, all you'd have to do is edit the database. By default, when you look at the element resistance (whatever it's called in the database) for monsters, it is set to "C." To absorb spells, set it to "F." Percentages of damage by letter:
A: 200%
B: 150%
C: 100%
D: 50%
E: 0%
F: -100%

The different effects of magic can also be doe in the database. Your example of lightning slowing can be done in the status tab (Whatever it's called, I don't have the program on this computer). Make a new status, call it "Slow" or something, and have it set the speed attribute...I believe it's agility... to whatever percentage of speed you want it to set the target's speed to (60 for 60% regular speed, etc.)

For monsters to take newer actions at lower health, go into the tab for whatever monster you want to do whatever to, double click to add an attack, and have it set to "Monster HP: 50%" (whatever it's called and whatever percent)

For a monster to summon an ally...hmmm...I don't know if it will work, but make a new skill (call it "Summon Ally" or something like that), make a common event that turns on a switch, Give the skill to a monster, go to the monster troop tab (again, whatever it's called), and add whatever summoned enemy you want to whatever party you want to add it to, then go right click on whatever summoned enemy you chose and click on Make Invisible...or Make Hidden...whatever it is...That should work, but I can't test it right now.

You might have to request custom death animations...

For the last game concept you have, you may have to set a lot of variables...I'd go into detail, but I'd feel like an idiot for not remembering how to do it without scripting...so...yeah, request that, too.

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