RPGS you can do it during runtime too. :wink:
# ** Game_Map
# This class handles the map. It includes scrolling and passable determining
# functions. Refer to "$game_map" for the instance of this class.
class Game_Map
# * Walk On Everything
def walk_on_everything
# Create our old passsages Table.
@old_passages = Table.new(@passages.xsize)
# Loop through all the passages and manipulate appropriately.
for i in 0...@passages.xsize
# Copy the old passages.
@old_passages[i] = @passages[i]
# Just a check
next if @passages[i].nil?
# "And" the flag with zero to turn it off.
@passages[i] &= 0
# Flags
#0x01: Cannot move down.
#0x02: Cannot move left.
#0x04: Cannot move right.
#0x08: Cannot move up.
#0x40: Bush flag.
#0x80: Counter flag.
# * Restore The Passages
def restore_passages
return if @old_passages.nil?
@passages = @old_passages.dup
I'm not sure how to actually check for "water". Maybe someone else can expound on what I did, or has a different approach.
To install this script just create an empty section above main and paste in this code for more in depth instructions visit the
RGSS Support FAQ.
To turn on the ability of "Walking on Water".
To remove the ability.
Good luck with it AbyssalLord! :thumb: