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Script allowing to count kills for each chara?



Is it possible with RMXP?
A script that would count, for each character, how many monsters he or she has killed?
Some pro games have it and I always thought it was a great feature. :D
# ** Game_Battler

class Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :kill_count
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_killcount_gmbtlr_init initialize
  alias seph_killcount_gmbtlr_ae attack_effect
  alias seph_killcount_gmbtlr_se skill_effect
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Original Initialization
    # Starts Kill Count
    @kill_count = 0
  # * Applying Normal Attack Effects
  def attack_effect(attacker)
    # Original Attack Effect
    # If Self is Dead
    if dead?
      # Adds to Kill Count
      attacker.kill_count += 1
  # * Apply Skill Effects
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    # Original Attack Effect
    seph_killcount_gmbtlr_se(user, skill)
    # If Self is Dead
    if dead?
      # Adds to Kill Count
      user.kill_count += 1

Just use


Something like $game_actors[id], or $game_party.actors[index] in place of <game_battler>



Thanks for your answer!
But I'm not sure where to put this code, there are Game_Battler1, 2 and 3
But not just Game_Battler...
Or is it a new script?
I'm sorry but I'm new to scripting and I am not sure where to put the lines of this code...

And another question... is this line:
Something like $game_actors[id], or $game_party.actors[index] in place of <game_battler>

the way to display this number?



OK, I added it just below Game_Battler3, as a new script.

When I call this script:

It gives an error message.
So I tried to replace id by a number, like 001 for the 1st character.
But this time, nothing happens. Is this normal?
OK, I added it just below Game_Battler3, as a new script.

When I call this script:

It gives an error message.
So I tried to replace id by a number, like 001 for the 1st character.
But this time, nothing happens. Is this normal?

You must replace id with the id of the actor in the database, with no 0's (unless its 10, 20, 100, etc.)

So actor 3, would be


Error message is:
Undefined methpd 'kill count'for nil:NilClass

for nil:NilClass is telling me you are typing it wrong. Is saying you are trying to use a method from an object that hasn't been created.

Check your spelling and such. It must be exact.



Hi, it seems the healing spells are not working properly with this script.
The MP are not decreasing, although the character does get healed.
Besides, instead of the usual healing sound, you get a sound of "impossible spell to cast"... this is really weird... did the same thing happen to you DerVVulfman?



My project is still in its very earlier stages but I'm trying to form a collection of nice scripts before starting the game itself.
I could post something, though.
The thing is, when I removed the script, the Heal spell was back to normal.
If I put it back, it starts messing again... weird.

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