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Screen Resolution + Map Size?

Im using this screen resolution script to change it to 720p resolution and im having troubles with the map fitting the resolution.
Im aware of the resolution script that stretches instead of changing and i dont want it.
Here is what it looks like if you were to use the script.


# ■ Win32API


# by Squall [email=squall@loeher.znn.com]squall@loeher.znn.com[/email]

# Change the window size

# I must thank cybersam for his mouse and keyboard scripts. they were very

# useful finding some winapi function.


# !! this script MUST be on top of all other or the game will crash,

#    if you use scripts to enlarge maps!



class Win32API


# - define constant


GAME_INI_FILE = ".\\Game.ini"         # define "Game.ini" file

HWND_TOPMOST = 0                      # window always active

HWND_TOP = -1                         # window active when used only

SWP_NOMOVE   = 0                      # window pos and sizes can be changed


# - Win32API.GetPrivateProfileString // check your game title in Game.ini


def Win32API.GetPrivateProfileString(section, key)

   val = "\0"*256

   gps = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileString',%w(p p p p l p), 'l')

   gps.call(section, key, "", val, 256, GAME_INI_FILE)


   return val



# - Win32API.FindWindow // find the RGSS window


def Win32API.FindWindow(class_name, title)

   fw = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindow', %(p, p), 'i')

   hWnd = fw.call(class_name, title)

   return hWnd



# - Win32API.SetWindowPos // change window positions and sizes


def Win32API.SetWindowPos(w, h)

   title =  Win32API.GetPrivateProfileString("Game", "Title")

   hWnd = Win32API.FindWindow("RGSS Player", title)

   swp = Win32API.new('user32', 'SetWindowPos', %(l, l, i, i, i, i, i), 'i')

   win = swp.call(hWnd, HWND_TOP, 240, 240, w + 6, h + 32, 0)


   #the line below makes the window on top of all others

   #win = swp.call(hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, w + 6, h + 32, SWP_NOMOVE)

   return win



# - Win32API.client_size // check the window width and height


def Win32API.client_size

   title =  Win32API.GetPrivateProfileString("Game", "Title")

   hWnd = Win32API.FindWindow("RGSS Player", title)

   rect = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('l4')

   Win32API.new('user32', 'GetClientRect', %w(l p), 'i').call(hWnd, rect)

   width, height = rect.unpack('l4')[2..3]

   return width, height





# - proceed with creation of the window


# the width and height variables set the screen size.


$width = 1280

$height = 720

win = Win32API.SetWindowPos($width, $height)

if(win == 0)

   p "Size change has failed!"

I tried editing viewports in the Spriteset_Map but had nothing but fail.

What scripts would i need to change and what parts in order to see the map all the way and do scrolling correctly?

Thanks in advance.



The script you posted changes the resloution, but not the viewport.

Take a look on Spriset_Map and Spriteset_Battle and change the viewport values, it's probably (0, 0, 640, 480)
Selwyns resolution script (the one you're using, and the "stretch"-script as well, assuming my Custom Resolution Script) won't work beyond 640x480 pixels. You can't change this by simply editing viewports or the like.
I also can't point you to an existing system, as I'm not aware of one, however, I think I remember vgvgf doing something of the sort... and in general, I think I've seen it done... as I said though: Not with Selwyns script.
While screen resolution scripts will actually work with larger sized, you are forced to face issues related to movement, until you figure out how to define the center coordinates and bounds of a map for the new screen size. You'll also need a custom Tilemap, since the default one won't work properly in larger resolutions, and will not display all tiles on the extra portions of the screen.

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