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Science? WTF!? Dose MC Donald's make you Smarter!!???

Alright this all started 3 days ago. I was reading an article in a book saying that sugar is need for our brain to function. Well because me and my friends are idiots and always love to do stupid shit for the lulz. We got on a CPU and decided how to test this.

Well we found out that your brain works (I already knew this but apparently they didn't...) by sending electronic pulses though your nerves to talk to your body. I mean this is a really dumb down version but I'm still suffering from our idiocy so forgive me.

ANYWAY, we got out the electromagnetic thingy out to measure volts. We found out that my friends have in order, 1 volt, 1.2 volts, and 1.5 volts running though their bodies from your left hand to your right. This reflects on your brain and nerve a system send out messages and react. Now on a side now I have a scary 2.5 volts and can dimmly light red (weakest) L.E.D.s O.o. Anyway this also reflects in order our ability to absorb knowledge and our ability to preform in sports. Me on one hand can learn about anything in a week my friend James (One volt) took about 3 days to set up his Xbox...

Now I had the idea about changing our voltages using science. (scary word I know) Now using the fact that salt, sugar and C12H8O3 (F@!# I forgot the formula) all help transmit electrons in a water substains and since were 90% water AND since your brain reacts due to more electrons we decided to change our diets to test this out.

In the end removing all salts and sugars out of your diet (our femfatall took this one lol) she found out it makes you about as dumb as a sack of bricks. This made here unable to logically thing amongst other things like preform normal math. I've eaten nothing but salt and sugar and by 3 days I've yet to sleep, colors are more vibrant, I think SO clearly, I remember everything I've read, studied in the last day and due to my diet felt like crap... Besides the almost drug induced effects that made me stare at my wall because it was so damn colorful, we noticed it had a lot to due with our brains to.

At the end of the results we found this... Salt and Sugar help induce thinking, reactive time (reflexes) and your overall senses (Smell, taste, sight). This though testing has proven true on 4 accounts!

Now for the kicker. Based on this is MC Donald's making us smarter!!?? Think of all the salt and sugar they jam into their food! If you think of our research (lol idiot testing) you would see that just a french fry would make you overall smarter!

What do you guys think? I'm coming down form the experiment and a little loopy so am I just crazy about this MC Donald's thing? I mean it makes sense...  :huh:

Oh well post here and tell me and my friends what you think of this!  :thumb:

P.S: 2 pounds of sugar and salt a day will make colors in your room seem so vibrant almost like if your high (That's how my friend described it since I've never been high but would most likely have to agree.) and everything taste like its a 5 star restaurant or crap. Also Fabrezze will blow your mind...

Try it out some time! It's good for the whole family to! (Only kidding... That would make the kids to hard to manage lol)
Yes quite.  :lol: This was a real study we did lol and were actually going to do this for our science project. Sure It's more for fun then anything but the premise and topic are all real.  :thumb:

Also this is a 100% true research activity we did. It actually involved research behind it. I just wanted to talk about it since it's over and see what you guys think lol. For the lulz.

Starting to ramble...

It's about 50% Serious, 50% fun I guess but I would like actual opinions to.  :toot:

-Matt (Necro)
Of course you're not gonna perform as well without salt and sugar. You need them to survive. That sure as hell doesn't mean McDonald's is making you smarter though! The salts and sugars are in different forms, not to mention the fact that there are actual dangerous amounts in the food. Saying that "salts and sugars make you smarter, so eating at McDonald's will too" is like saying "exercising for thirty minutes makes you healthier, so exercising for five hours must make you really healthy!"

You go eat at McDonald's for a month and then we'll see if you're smarter, hmm?
Dadevster":29l7wqhp said:
Of course you're not gonna perform as well without salt and sugar. You need them to survive. That sure as hell doesn't mean McDonald's is making you smarter though! The salts and sugars are in different forms, not to mention the fact that there are actual dangerous amounts in the food. Saying that "salts and sugars make you smarter, so eating at McDonald's will too" is like saying "exercising for thirty minutes makes you healthier, so exercising for five hours must make you really healthy!"

You go eat at McDonald's for a month and then we'll see if you're smarter, hmm?

Oh yes. I forgot that they do change the forms that the substances are in. I still think its a fun and silly idea though. :lol:
yes it does make you smarter.. you eat it so many times that you'll know every ingredient in all the hamburgers except the vegetables those are really hard to learn... and wihle learning that you become fatter
You sir, fail for suggesting chomping on McDonalds will make us smarter.

-Hint: having energy in general makes your body perform better.
The amount of fat in the food, muchless the bodyfat your body will make from eating that much McDonalds will make you more lethargic then anything. Your brain may work better if you get the right sorts of salt and sugars, but we all know McDonalds is not the place to find them.
If McDonalds could make people smarter, then why is it the number one american restarant? McDonalds food = smarts as much as USA = utopia.

Interesting idea though.
Necro_100000":1mtwdn6g said:

It's about 50% Serious, 50% fun blahblah

-Matt (Necro)

Jocoserious. It's a real word, I swear!

Sugar does give you a temporary energy boost, which means this:

Necro_100000":1mtwdn6g said:
Salt and Sugar help induce thinking, reactive time (reflexes) and your overall senses (Smell, taste, sight). This though testing has proven true on 4 accounts!

would be more appropriately explained as:

Necro_100000":1mtwdn6g said:
Sugar helps induce thinking, reactive time, and your overall senses, for a while.

It does not permanently help in these areas, and actually decreases them during the sugar crash.
Ok, there were a few things wrong with your "study"

a)You didn't have any measurements. You have to use some sort of measurement for each participant, such as IQ, before and after the experiments.

b)You didn't have a control to see what happens over the same period of time without any diet modifications

c)You didn't monitor (actually, you are supposed to remove) external variables such as how much sleep did each person get, what classes did they have, where did they get the sugar and salt from?

d)You didn't have a large enough test group.

e)You didn't do enough research. You could have predicted the results you got with a quick google. Salt is needed because without it you will dehydrate. If you dehydrate, you will not be able to function properly. Sugar (or actually, Carbohydrates) is needed for energy, without energy you will not be able to function properly

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