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by Neo-Bahamut (aka Wurstinator)
Version 0.9

this script adds a shadow simulation to the events / the player. Some of you might know other old shadow scripts like Rataime's.
In general, my script has every feature the others have (at least I think so) but of course, even more

It offers the usage of walls, which means events or tiles which prevent an event from shadowing by being set between the light source and the shadow event. Of course the events can move around even if the are walls.




Other required scripts are my Line script and my Rect Methods script which are both included in the demo.

As this is only version 0.9 there are of course some bugs. The most obvious one is that sometimes shadows / lights go through walls. This can be seen in the demo with the zombie and the demon cow. :)

Demo (choose one)

If there are questions, feel free to ask. I will answer them if I don't forget that I started this topic =)


Awesome Bro

I quite like this, I loved Rataimes shadow script, and this seems to be more useful since you've added walls too, always a nice feature.

PS. Are you sure you've got enough download links? :tongue:
That's really nice, nicer than a previous one I've seen - I like how the shadow shape changes to the sideways animation depending on the angle.
Seeing a German script name in the topic list was... different ^^ Also, you get thumbsup for more download links than you'd ever need, as well as for the demon cow! :haha:
However, you get some thumbs down for not proving a script >> Maybe you thought a demo is better, but personally, now that plague mentioned it's very laggy, I'd like to see the reason for that ^^

Keep up the good work - this does look better than Rataime's!
@ Jbrist: I found multiupload.com and wanted to try it :)

@como: Thanks :)

@ Plague180: Thanks. Actually the Line and Rect classes were more work than this script ^^

@ BlueScope: I thought just "Shadows" as the name would be boring :p

The lag is a problem, I know. But I already optimized the code nearly as far as I could but on the demo map there are already about 420 checks if a wall is between an event and a light.



I would like to use this script in my game cause it looks really dang cool, but at it's current speed, I think it would do more harm than good especially since my maps are much bigger than that and include a lot more events. Lag is a killer, and it's hard to find the source sometimes, unless it somehow improves by a lot in the next version updates, I won't be able too.
Yes, I know two possibilites to improve the performance further. I will apply them in future versions.

Until then, you could use an Anti Lag script. Most of the ones I know should improve the performance of my script.

Thank you for viewing

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