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Save Game Slot Script Request



Before anyone asks, yes I have seen the script listing before.
I did not see what I wanted though, so I will request it.

What I request, is a save/load system that is similiar to golden sun's.

By this, I mean that when you press "New Game" at the beginning of the title screen, it says, "What slot would you like to save in? and then it gives you slot 1, 2 and 3 (just like the RTP one, just with 3 slots) and after you choose a file, that is your savegame for the rest of the game.

and everytime you press Save game in the menu, a screen comes up and says, would you like to save your game? and then a yes/no box and if pressed yes then it says, "Game Saved!" and then puts you back to menu.

For the load screen on the title, when you select it, it has the 3 slots just as normal loading screen.

And for the time where I use a menu call (event call) and press "Call Save Screen" in an event, a message window will come up and say "Saving..." and that will be there for about 3 seconds (even if it saves faster) and then it will change to Saved! and then after a second it dissappear leeaeving you to play the game.

Also, have this auto save thing save over the slot that you are playing on please!

If anyone thinks that they can do this, please let me know!
That would be a great help!

also, non SDK please!



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