Hi, I'm Sparertoaster. After visiting this forum countless times to just lurk threads and find stuff that could help me actually finish a project for once (or just because I was bored and at a computer), I've finally decided I would go ahead and join this community. I'd like to point out what level of experience I have with making games, but it's hard to really zero in on that. I've been toying around with this engine since I was a young child with absolutely no hope, and it's been many years since then. I've been improving my skills in most areas, and I consume tutorials and game design articles like candy. However, I have never actually finished a project. I'm currently working on something called Missing Magic, which involves an arrogant witch getting her magic taken from her and going on a little quest to get it back. I wanted it to be done for the 2014 Indie Game Contest, but I don't see myself realistically delivering a quality product by then. It'd be silly to hastily throw a game together, especially when I've shown absolutely nothing before that point. Also, since this is an introduction I might as well throw in some other information as well. Earthbound is my favorite RPG, I'm a high school student, and I have no life. With all of that being said, I hope that I can get to know you all as I continue to spend time on this forum, and I'm glad to officially be here.