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Rune shop needed

Is it possible to create a rune shop like suikoden using event ?
Rune shop is something like this:

There are 3 option for you...

1. Buy: You can buy orb ( lightning orb, fire orb...),
2. Equip: You can equip the orb you buy, if you buy lightning orb, after equip it, you will learn certain skill.But you just can equip 3 maximum.
3. Unequip: You can unequip the orb, when you unequip it, the skill you learn from the orb will dissapear.

You can equip those orb to all of your player. Does it need script? Or event can solve it?
Dear OmegaGroudon,
Well, you might want to post a little more information. I, for one, have never played Suikoden, though am thinking it may be possible without scripts. I also believe there is a script, possibly by SephirothSpawn, that may solve this problem. Or, somewhat close to it. It's skills learned while using items, I believe. Anyways, good luck with finding an answer, and good luck in your future endeavours!

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