Hi guys,
I've recently left RPGMaker and started developing in Rubygame; however, I keep running into problems.
Issue #1
libfreetype-6 has the strangest behaviour when outside of system32. I've specified SDL_PATHS yet it will only ever work if in the same folder as the initial .rb.
Issue #2
I cannot draw on any surfaces. Say I do this (already required and included):
It always crashes and says that the method 'load' is private.
Issue #3
I create a sprite in a new class called Character:
And it keeps saying 'Failed loading libpng' and that the module couldn't be found. (SDLError)
Am I dong something wrong?
Please help, because I cant find information on these errors anywhere!
I've recently left RPGMaker and started developing in Rubygame; however, I keep running into problems.
Issue #1
libfreetype-6 has the strangest behaviour when outside of system32. I've specified SDL_PATHS yet it will only ever work if in the same folder as the initial .rb.
Issue #2
I cannot draw on any surfaces. Say I do this (already required and included):
@screen = Screen.open [1024, 768],0,SWSURFACE
Issue #3
I create a sprite in a new class called Character:
require 'rubygame'
class Character
include Rubygame
include Sprites::Sprite
def initialize(x,y,filename,show=false)
@image = Surface.load(filename)
@rect = @image.make_rect
@rect.x = x
@rect.y = y
Am I dong something wrong?
Please help, because I cant find information on these errors anywhere!