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RTP crap

I woke up early this morning. Wide awake before the sun is even up is very unusual for me. I had some free time so I made this hairstyle to fit the RTP template (mack's)

You always need more Spikey heros [/sarcasm] I guess it's not very useful since there are hundreds of them out there. But hey, at least it's not another recolor or frankensprite.
I got the color off one of the default sprites. I think the sides and back match, but I don't think the front really matches. Too flat in the center I think. What do you think?

And while I'm in a posting mood here's something I did for a request a while ago (but I forgot for who). It's not up for critique, because I'm not happy with it. But It's here for you to use if you want it. Suppose to go along with Pickle/IceAxe's monster Battler.

When I amass enough resources of my own I'll make a webpage or something. OR I'll flood the site's new resource manager whenever that get's made.



Like the style, but the color's too saturated for RTP.

EDIT: Jeepers.  Whoops.  Got it from a default sprite?  Which one?
Have to say, Love the style and color of the red hair. It's a shame that everything has to be saturated nowadays and considdering the line "I got the color off one of the default sprites." Just goes to show.

Keep it up.
I picked to colors off warrior01.
As for the saturation, sprites aren't made to be seen by themselves. The color on sprites are usually more saturated then the colors of the tileset to separate the two. Otherwise a sprite wearing green would get lost in the green background.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... dheads.jpg[/img]
and it would look ugly the other way around.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... tuated.png[/img]

That's the downside of posting sprites by themselves. People have tunnel vision were they can make changes to a sprite but you don't know how it'll really look in-game.
Like the people who say "more contrast" (you know who you are), it might make the sprite more pleasing standing alone, but when you import it into the game it stands out too much from everything else.
Very well said, however not that saturation canbe used for so much more. For instance having low saturation can also help present an ancient/old setting. Having the characters hold a similar level of saturation also makes them look less significant, hence why the usually have a tad higher in this area.
In the end it all depends on the objective your trying to fulfill.

The hair tome is actually quite good and spikes are known to be relatively difficult in comparisson to plain hair do's to sprite so good work and keep it up.

EDIT: Never use the word crap as it puts yourself down and really doen't help in the long run! Trust me I had it drilled into me by Breadfan!

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