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[RTAB] "Threat" System... Please?

I need a "threat" system compatible with RTAB.

A threat system, simply put is one where enemies do not attack randomly at characters. Instead they attack the one with the "highest threat".

Threat should increase with damage, that is, the more damage a character do, the more likely they are to attack him.

It should also be modificable by skills, so a skill could rise your threat or lower it.

Another view of the same.
Battle start. Every character has threat 0, that means that they are choose ramdomly to be attacked.
Chara A, attacks, does damage, and his treath goes up by 10. His threat is now 10. Now, he is 10 times more likely to be attacked than his peers with threat 0.
Chara B attacks and does more damage than A. His threat is now 15. The enemies will mostly pick him for attack.
Chara C Guards. His Threat stays the same.

Enemies will probably attack B. Might attack A. C might not be attacked at all.

If i remember well, the game Outlaw City, has a similar system. If the owner of such script could share, or someone knows a similar one, or someone could create one, i'll be very, vey happy. And someday i'll finish my game.

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