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RTAB - Skill effects Add-on

Homeroe's RTAB Skill effects Add-on
version: BETA 0.3

Some days ago, i was searching the Trickster's Bag of skill effects script for my game, only to find out that it wasn't compactible with the cogwheel's RTAB system. I asked my self: Why not do a similar skill effect script, but for the RATB?. So here it is.
This script, will let you assign some skill effects to any spell that you want.

Current Skill Effects:

-Sacrifice (you lose some HP, to heal/damage)
-MP Share (You lose some MP, and give it to another battler. Also works for MP Healing spells.)
-Berserk (The skill damage is based on the HP left on the battler. Can assign diferent % to incrase/decrase the damage)
-Mammonite (The skill damage is based on how much Gold the player has. Can choose if gold is spend when using the skill or not)
-Leech (You can recover certain % of the damage done, in HP or SP)
-State chances (The spell can inflict assigned Satate effect, by chance (kinda like pokemon))}
-Re-use (The skill increment his power, based on how many time it has been used in the actual battle)
-Facade (The skill will be more powerful, based on the number of state effects that the user have)

State Effects:
-Aegis (When the actor with this state effect die, it will be automaticly revived)
-Critical hit ( Increase your chance of doing a Critical hit, on attack. )
-Regeneration (The actor with this state, will recover certain amount of his/her SP or/both HP every time they act. Poison damage style)
-Defender (Every atack will be redirected to the actor with this state, only one actor can have this state at the same time)
-Doom (The state will Damage/kill the affected character when natural removal of states, removes it)
-Last stand (Defined State effect will be added if the character who have this State became the only one alive)

Passive Skills:

-Lucky! (The actor with this state, will have certain % of dodge the attacks, when below X% of HP)
-Freebie (When the actor use an item, there is a chance to recover the used item. Kinda like Mario RPG)

Currently doing, Still incomplete:

-Fortune (With this state, the party have more chances of getting an item/gold)
-EXP increase (The character with this state, will earn X% more EXP)
-Reflect (While active, ALL spells - including healing - will be reflected back to castor.)
-Counter (The character with counter state, by chance, will automatically return to the attacker certain % of the incoming damage)
-Zombie State (Zombie State will cause damage or heal none when trying to heal the affected character.)
-Payback (When used, the actor will keep all damage done to him. When the actor atack, the damage will be added to his atack)
-Heaven blessing (Damage all enemies and revive/heals all allies)
-Shield (Will prevent any incoming damage until the HP of the shield spend out)
-Recharge (After using the skill, the battle will have to wait certain time before acting again)


Game over conditions (If all actors have "X" state, a game over will appear)
You can change Battle Damage diplay Color, Font, Text and Size as desired.

There isn't at the moment

None, see below

This script is no longer continued (or atleast, for public use) because the people's low interest on it.

The script need the Connected Attacking Ver 1.03 Script to work. You can find it here: http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=4732.0



It sounds awesome, but what about like Regain, and Doom, Both very good!
Hm.. Maybe Gravity magic like Demi it cuts your Health by 1/4, and Graviga it cuts your health by 1/2, and also Gravija it takes your health down to 1 hp instantly, but none of those skills can kill you!
What does  Regain and Doom are about?

Demi, and Graviga, that cuts you health in 1/2 or 1/4 can be done with the Sacrifice one.



Regain, Works like poison, Only optiset. It periodically heals a % of HP after a turn, but only last for x amount of turns, and is gone at the end of a battle! Doom, counts down 5 turns, then kills the character that is infected with it, and also is gone after battle! If you set the Sacrifice to work like Demi and Graviga, will it be able to kill you, and not heal, as they are not supposed to help you in any way. It is just supposed to reduce, and not kill! Sorry if I'm not making sense!

Edit: Added the skill Doom, Freebie and Regeneration. Finished the skill "Facade"

Come on guys, any more ideas to make new State Effects, Passive skills, or Skill effects?
Hmm... how 'bout the Zombie state? If you try and use healing items or spells on them (including reviving ones) you hurt them instead. Or maybe a state that gives you 10% more of a chance of getting an item, or gives you 10% more gold.



Here's my suggestion:

-Reflect (While active, ALL spells - including healing - will be reflected back to castor.)
In the case of spells with multiple targets, all enemies OR all allies will be hit - depending on which side the intended recipient was on.

prepe":7i0mqw7g said:
Regain, Works like poison, Only optiset. It periodically heals a % of HP after a turn, but only last for x amount of turns, and is gone at the end of a battle!
Sounds like you do not quite have the English translations correct.

Instead of "Regain" I believe you meant to say "Regen" or "Regeneration". (It makes a whole lot more sense, anyway.) But then, Regeneration is already included...
Doom, counts down 5 turns, then kills the character that is infected with it, and also is gone after battle!
This would be an interesting effect to have. However, if implemented, I think it would be very handy to be able to specific how many turns until it kills the victim. Sometimes 5 turns is not enough and sometimes it's too much - depending on the game.

Regimos":7i0mqw7g said:
...Or maybe a state that gives you 10% more of a chance of getting an item, or gives you 10% more gold.
I think that's an excellent idea. I know some RPGs with something similar. (However, a 10% boost is so little it is almost nonexistant... hardly worth the investment. IMO, I'd go for at least a 50% boost.) How about calling this skill "Fortune" or "Heaven's fortune" for a boost for gold? And perhaps a second skill called "Treasure hunt" or "Collector" just for items?
Homeroe":7i0mqw7g said:
Current Skill Effects:

-Sacrifice (you lose some HP, to heal/damage)
I wonder if, perhaps, this might work better to be split into two different skills? One skill (perhaps called "Explode"?) could be reserved just to damage opponents while taking damage, and another one (called "Sacrifice"?) could be just for healing other party members.
Homeroe":7i0mqw7g said:
Currently doing, Still incomplete:
-Zombie State (Zombie State will damage instead of healing the affected character)
I assume by this you mean that Healing Items and Heal Spells will damage instead of healing? It's not specified as such...

I was thinking that, perhaps, there could be an option given on how this works:

1) Zombie state where healing is impossible, BUT healing spells and items do NOTHING instead of doing damage.
2) Zombie state where both healing spells and items DO DAMAGE. However, SKILL effects can still heal - such as Sacrifice.

Either that, or perhaps two different version again? (How about "Zombified" as the new one where healing is impossible?)

This can have an impact in a game. For example, if you have a Reflect status and someone casts a Healing spell with multiple targets, then the "Zombie state" character could be in for a major owie. However, they could still be healed with a skill. On the other hand, if they were "Zombified", then they would still be OK if hit with a reflected heal spell - they just would not be healed any.
Edit: Added Reflect and Fortune effect to the list. Edited Zombie state effect, now you can choose diferent effects:
- healing is impossible, BUT healing spells and items do NOTHING instead of doing damage.
- both healing spells and items DO DAMAGE. However, SKILL effects can still heal - such as Sacrifice.

Sacrifice can be set to:
- Lose x% of HP
- Lose x amount of HP
- Deal x% of HP lost to target
- Heal x% of HP lost to target
- No HP will be lost

That way, you can create many varations, like Spells that deals damage equal to sacrificed HP, Heal party members with sacrificed HP, Damage/Heal based on user's current HP, and so on.

Doom effect will kick in just after the natural removal of the state. That way, you can set any number of turns before doing the damage. Also this way, you can have a "Stone" state, where the affected character can't act, and after X number of turns, kills the character.
My suggestion:

Status effect:

-Blink: Evades physical attack, but vunerable to magic attacks.
-Hallow / Magic Shield: Nullifies magical attacks, but vunerable to physical attacks.
-Last Hope: Invunerable for, let's say 3 turns. after that, the character will dies.

Element Status Effect:

-Fire: Burned: Character will dies if taking any action, except defend.
-Water: Drowned: Like FF7 drowned status, your character HP will gradually decreased 1 HP/second. To heal this, you must attack the water bubble on the character's head with fire elemental attack.
-Wind: Blown Away: Blown away a character from battle for, let's say 3 turns. if all character are blown away, then it would be game over.
-Earth: Stone: Gradually turns your character became a stone. If all character turned to stone, it would be game over.
-Ice: Frozen: Character will dies if gets hitted by any atacks.
-Light: Shatter: Damages that taken by a character with this stats will be shared to all parties.


-Recall: Using a random magic that character has learned. Think Terra / Tellah of FF4
-Cover: Covers an attacked character.
-Fusion Skill: Think Steiner of FF9. He had another skills called 'Magic Sword' if Vivi is with him in battle.
-Guardian Force: FF8 Skills. Summons will have a HP and will take your damage while your waiting delays for summoning that GF.
-Throw: Throw a weapon / item to your enemies to do damages.
-Focus: Increase INT. Think Vivi FF9
-Power: Increase Strengh. Think Yan from FF4
-Sketch: Mimics one enemy skill. Skills from Relm FF6
-Jump: Jumping to avoid damages for 1 turns, then attack 1 enemies with 1,5x damage.
-Math Skill: Think Lv4 Flare and Lv5 Death from FF Series.


-I wish you would like to make default RMXP Battle System compatible patch.
-If you're making Zombie status, try to make healing skills can be used to enemies too. (Ex: Gloria cast Heal on Ghost to damage him)
Valcrist, there's already a "Blink" state and a way to throw items. There's also a "Power" skill too, although it's called "Sharp", and you can make a "Focus" skill yourself easily.
You could try making a taunt skill so the target attacks the user.
And you could try a status that increases the damage taken, directly and percent. (not using modifications of hp or defence, say you take 200 damage and the skill increase damage taken by 35% it would be 270  damage you take.)
removed over time or after battle
damage = restoration
restoration = damage

removed over time or after battle
doubles maxhp and restores hp.

removed over time, if X number of moves used on it have been reached or after battle.
reflects moves used on the affected user back on the move user.

removed after battle
Stops time Gauge

removed after battle or over time
slows time Gauge

fast (haste):
removed after battle or over time
speeds time gauge

removed after battle or over time
fast X 2

removed after battle or over time
fast X 3

only removed by item.
turns character grey and stops gauge.
if all party is pertyfied then gameover screen should appear.

if a enemy attcks the caster then he retaliates with his attack raised by a value in between 200 - 250%.

magic protect:
makes next magic attack only affect user for 1 turn.

battle call:
removed after time or after battle
rasies all party stats

removed over time, end of battle or attacked by member of party.
affected automaticaly attacks every turn.

removed after time or battle
cause damage to whoever dose a phiscal attck to the affected.

troop damage:
deals 10% of enemys troops total heath

removed by item.
shrinks target and reduces stats.
Updated: Added the script to the first post. Please report any bug that you find.

reverse: Good idea
bubble: Can be done already (State +% Max HP and Regeneration)
reflect: Already on list
stop: Can be done with stun
slow: Can be done (Decrease AGI)
fast (haste): Can be done (Increase AGI)
double: see "fast"
triple: see "double"
petrify: Can be done already (Stun + Game over condition)
retaliate: On list, see "Counter"
magic protect: Godd idea
battle call: Can be done already
beserk: Can be done already (except the "attacked by a party memeber part)
scale: Good idea, Added to the list
troop damage: Godd idea
imp: Can be done already (Don't know how to manipulate sprites)
i know imp can be done but could you do an stats effect that lowers the affect stats down and swaps their battle chracter sheet with the imp battle charcter sheet until it's removed with an item.

p.s maybe someone could patch the battle system so that anybody can be targeted and that only X no of people can be targeted, infact i might just do that. And while i'm at it I'll update beserk to make it more like it is in ff and maybe that phyramid in ff7 that impobalises the affected until some one destroys it.

shame we can't do some of the ff12 skills.

p.ss we could make a system where certain skills have an improved version of them and they can defign what the more power full ones end in ("a", "aga" ,"aja"), and which skills have an upgraded version of them. we could have one where they can defin an status effect to have a skill named after it that inflics it on the target and a anti one that removes it. think poins and poisona.

we could do this dynamicly to people don't have to have 10000000000 items in the skill database.

p.sss my last p.s of the day: you need oil that makes fire more affective. and null<insert element/status> that makes that element/status inaffecive for 5 turns.
Hey there dude! I too had the same problem, made tons of cool skills using Tricksters bag spell effects too :P But then when i tried to enter a battle with Charlie's CTB everything showed up...wrong... Animated battlers showed their spritesheets xD

Still, im wondering if, when it's done, this script will work with Charlie's CTB and without Connected Attacking?

Also, an idea :)

Mantra Magic - Deals frost, fire and lightning damage to a target.
X Cut - Needs 2 party members with the skill, When used is a combine attack with the two characters on one target, dealing x4 of the users (the one you used the skill with) attack.

Cheers matey
@RyanAllen: -Mantra Magic can be done with multiple elements
                  -X cut is good.

@Homeroe: Status:
                Great Speed: Cut the bar in half. Litterally
                Dodge: Chance to dodge attack, but when you dodge your bar decreases for a second
                Lesser Speed: Double the bar.
                Leach: Enemy loses life. You gain.
                Disease: If the one inflicted with this is hit, the hitter will get the same status.

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