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RTAB, Limit Break system (DDV) + GnD System!

Demo and Download Link:

SDK 1.5
Limit Break System (DDV)
Limit Break Menu
"Attack" Option Replacer for Limit Break System
Item + Skill Group and Detail System

SDK 2.2+ will not work with this script unless you remove the  'GnD' & 'LBMenu' Patch but even then I can't guarentee that it will still run.

TRICKSTER'S Steal,Mug v6 and Dalissa's Battle Cry have been disabled as they crash the game during the battle (its a small price to pay for the features you gain).

Put Battlestatus Modification below laura's escape (RTAB) to stop it being positoned like the orgianl battle system

Goes to DerVVulfman, cogwheel and all the other people who made the scripts (Too many to list).

NOTE: I Just Aranged and Commented the scripts in a way that would make it  work.

SDK 2.2+ will not work with this script unless you remove the  'GnD' & 'LBMenu' Patch but even then I can't guarentee that it will still run.
The GnD/LB patch is a bit out of date due to changes with the revised LBMenu.  I'm not surprised.

TRICKSTER'S Steal,Mug v6 and Dalissa's Battle Cry have been disabled as they crash the game during the battle (its a small price to pay for the features you gain).
Actually, you're using some out-of-date versions and it is odd since the RTAB demo I posted has been using them for some time, as well as nearly other script you have on the list... save for GnD and the LB Menu.

Try removing the LB Menu (placing  GnD above Trickster's system) and reinstating Steal and Dalissa... make that the newer ones (that old version of Dalissa WOULD make it crash).

Oh, and drop the "Attack" Option Replacer.  I've said in numerous posts (including its own topic) that it's buggy as hell.

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