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RTAB Command Script


Okay you guys I need help wth a script. I Want Four Scenes. One that lets you use battle magic regular battle magic.

And the Other Three:

2. Only shows the skills with a special element attached. In this case "summon"
3. Only shows the skills with a special element attached. In this case "tech"
4. Only shows the skills with a special element attached. In this case "OverDrive"
May not be what you want, but it allows for this. My Grouping and Details script (also linked in my sig) does allow you to subdivide your skills into groups... including "summon", 'tech", "white magic", "overdrive", "underdone", whatever... :D

The limit is that you still keep the "MAGIC" heading in your command window (as normal), but instead of the normal Skill window that pops up, you get a skill window with a bar across the top. It's that bar that divides 'em into the subgroups.

Includes other features, icon capabilities in the skill/item menus, ITEM groupings, additional details per item, mergable with RTAB and Ccoa's script (Cannot include 'battle' system code in GnD with Ccoa's). Features (and a bug fix) available in post. Please download the .pdf file for very concise instructions (complete with illustrations).
Well Sortof... But 4 different scenes. hmmm...

Okay I was searching in the RTAB and I found a Way to Change the Main Commnands to Summons, Technique, and Overskills when the player presses s in I think it's phase3. Well I know how to that. What I don't know how to do is find out how to make a certain of Skill be displayed at one time.

So I can use the Changing Commands Script Add-on I created.

(Full Explanation)
Hey.... saw the bump... saw the bump.... wait 24hrs, dude... :D

You got it to show 'OverDrive', 'Summons', and ect in the command window, right? Your problem stems from not being able to show ONLY those types of skills (overdrive, summons, etc). What I use and what a whole lot of scripters use is the 'elements' (fire/water/overdrive/summons/cheese) in the RMXP database.

The KGC Overdrive script does it, and my script is just LOADED with 'element' separating systems (for both skills and items). Tear apart my script and go into the 'Windows' section. In there, you'll see an example of how the Window_Skills will sort through the skills BY elements. It may be a little long-winded, but it was designed for a default-styled menu system.

As a hint, you'll be sorting the items through the refresh def (just a snippet of my code... but...):
SKILL_GROUP2 is an array holding all the elements I'm sorting by.
skillkind is the index number (0-4..5...6..15) that tells it what element to look for.
Example: if SKILL_GROUP2[3] held a value of 4, then the default system would look up the 4th element 'water'.
You just need to store your 'element locations' here... like
SKILL_GROUP[0] = 20 #OverDrive
SKILL_GROUP[1] = 21 # Summons
SKILL_GROUP[2] = 22 # Paper Machete :D

        @data = []
        # Add item
        for i in 0...@actor.skills.size
          # When it has corresponding attribute,
          if $data_skills[@actor.skills[i]].element_set.include?(SKILL_GROUP2[skillkind])
            @data << $data_skills[@actor.skills[i]]
The @data value is used in the draw_item def to draw your skills in your window. This just sorts the ones you need.
Yeah!! Thanks man... I figured it out.... ^_^ Thanks alot... I used a variable for it...

When I use a command it changes $Skillgroups to the Element ID number. Therefor I don't have to make 4 different scenes.... ^_^

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