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RTAB and TOS Skill system Merge, Almost done just 1 Problem

Been trying to find a skill system that would work with the RTAB and the closest one I found that works almost perfectly is the TOS skill system, there is only one problem I could not fix, that is when you are in battle and use a skill, it does not add a point into that skill, It does OUTSIDE of battle but it will not while in battle. I uploaded a demo of what I have done, maybe someone here can help me finish it.

The TOS Skill system can be found HERE!
The RTAB system can be found HERE!
My demo of the two can be found HERE!

I will continue to work on it, but sometimes 2 heads or better than one, so are 3 :D

This would be awesome... i was thinking if maybe that points can be raised through a variable, you'd need a common event for each skill but if the script's is raising a variable ( i don't know if it does, i'm not scripter), it could be possible...

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