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RTAB and Cogweel

I managed to found the bars for HP/SP/EXP/etc...
I tried with Cogweel but it causes me an error
cause of that i tried with the SephirotSpawn bars and it goes well....
some time later... I tried the RTAB....without good results....
i dont know if it is because im using Sephirot bars instead of cogweels
i tried the "Agility based Battle" Scrip, the "Scrolling Menu + RTAB Confing" and the "RTAB Edit". all of them with an error.
so... coual any gentle soul gimme a compatible version with the sephirot bar for the RTAB (if it got that zoom would be better =3)?
also i tried the animated text
it dont causes an error, but there are no letters!!
or, if there are, they are transparent..':|
please help
also if you could lend me a scripting tutorial would be really apreciated....
well.....emmmmm...thanks.....I think.....:D
Lesson 1:
Sometimes the order the scripts affects their usefullness. One script can override another, thus making some features totally gone or causing errors.

Lesson 2:
Sometimes, scripts conflict with other scripts or are totally incompatible. As an example, RTAB is not compatible with some battle add-ons. Those add-ons are typically written for the default battle system that RMXP comes with, so RTAB is limited in the add-ons it can use. You have to try 'em out to see if they work.

Lesson 3:
For those people who have problems seeing TEXTS when using the scripts available on these forums, the problems tend to arise from users of... improper... copies of RPGMaker XP. :S These include versions that are translated from the original Japanese copies, and the infamous Postality Knights version of RMXP... Neither of which are legal or condoned in this forum. ':| As such, if you are the user of either of these you are asked to download the legally authorized 'Trial' copy (from sources like http://www.download.com) and pay the $60 registration fee.

Lesson 4:
Um... please work on your TYPING skills. :D It'll make it easier to understand your request.
Well I try to aply everything you said to me.... as for the RMXP it IS a translated version of the japanese one. I get it from a friend in the institute.... so i think it's pirate ( *smash head in da wall* ) I will try the original from now on......(could someone lend me $60?) as for the 4º...I'm peruvian, I will try to practice this more then =P...

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