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RTAB Add-on Request: Pressing L and R to escape with sprites running away

Well, I had an idea, would it be possible to simultaneously press the L and R button and having the sprites look like they are running away? Think in the style of Final Fantasy's Battle System of how you press the escape button functions and the battle sprites are attempting to run away. I don't know if this can be done or not, but it'd really make a great RTAB/CBS.:)
It'd be really great if someone were to work on this:D


Awesome Bro

Hmm... I think I could do this with a switch, I love using switches, Lemme check, I'll repost when I've tried it :)

Sorry, Just tried, Can't do it yet, I'm gonna have to learn to script



It would be easy enough to do all you need to do is redefine the beginning battle command of escape into the:-

If Input.trigger?(Input::L)

And with a few wait commands it should work like a charm.

But i don't have the time right now to try this, but hopefully someone will come along and help you.

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