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RPGXP Autotiles Algorithm?


I'm trying to implement autotiles in my map editor and I'm stuck in the part where autotiles ID have to change when you add another autotile next to the previous one. I know that autotiles have 48 patterns, I have a debug project that renders the Tile ID and Autotile ID over autotiles on the map.
This helps finding which pattern should go where depending on surrounding tiles but I'm still having problem to understand it.

So basically, I'm trying to figure out the algorithm that rules autotiles ID on the map.
Does anybody know anything about that?

EDIT: I just found something that could help (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/game/Auto ... y=PrintAll) but I still need some input about this. :)

Thanks in advance,
- Dargor
I found it, and indeed it seems to contain some sort of algorithm for autotiles. Looks very promising!
I'll try to play with it a bit and see what I can get out of it.

Thank you!
if it's any help I can tell you conceptually how I'm planning to do this in RMPY.

everything an auto tile Id is added to the map I'll add it as the autotile's first pattern. (or what ever patter is for single tiles) then I'll loop through the map data using pre-stored positions of autotiles and check the tiles around them for autotiles of the same type and change the pattern id accordingly

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