After reading this: viewtopic.php?f=179&t=70582 and find some games with altered magickeys I wrote a program which bruteforces the .rgssad/.rgss2a files in order to get the magickey.
Works in most cases, maybe it could work 100% times if i spend more time on it.
Said this, here is the link
As a sidenote, first i wrote it in Ruby and took ages to loop between all values, so I rewrote it in C# and now it takes a few seconds :grin:
Comments, questions and rages are welcome.
Works in most cases, maybe it could work 100% times if i spend more time on it.
Said this, here is the link
As a sidenote, first i wrote it in Ruby and took ages to loop between all values, so I rewrote it in C# and now it takes a few seconds :grin:
Comments, questions and rages are welcome.